Actifit needs your support - Vote for Actifit DHF Proposal

in hive-193552 •  2 years ago 

Today was a productive day. Woke up early and went out to buy some groceries. After breakfast, we rushed to theatre nearby to watch Avatar, the way of water movie. What an experience for 5$. Though story is pretty plain and lagging at times, it's a visual treat. Worth the hype. I recommend everyone to watch this movie in 3D only.

In the evening went to nearby Jawahar circle for a walk. Did 3.5 kms of walking. Then we went to one of our favourite chill out cafe nearby and had some Pakodas with garlic bread 😛😛. This gives us extra motivation to sweat out again tomorrow 😀😀. Feeling good today with overall activity and my body feeling relaxed after so many days. Hopefully I get some deep sleep.

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