My Actifit Report Card: August 16 2022 - So Random!

in hive-193552 •  2 years ago 

9K on a cool Summer day!

I moved around my place. I went food shopping. Got chocolate chip cookies for tomorrow night. I took a walk but it was overcast so saw no moon.

I got my season rewards in Splinterlands. Got a couple good cards. But I'm not winning as much as I used to so I might take this season off or just play less games.

I put actifit on my new phone and had it with me when I was moving around. It is showing an activity number of 30 😣

I am competing in the Spells of Genesis game and I'm in the top 20 this month which is my goal.

I returned a borrowed roll of duct tape to my brother today.

I had a blood test Friday. Got the results online. All normal.

I expect to be playing wvb tomorrow night. Yahoooo! 😄

I got the Volts to HBD Cashout process working for @metarobots so get ready for free money! There's a 2 HBD minimum cashout and 5 max. One cashout per 24 hour period.

I opened my refrigerator and saw a monkey eating my cheese! He said you look annoyed, dont worry I saved some for you. So I closed the door and it turned to gold so i unbolted it and sold it for cash and went online and bought a ticket to Mars from Elon Musk since they were having a buy a ticket to Mars and get a free Tesla promotion going in.

All but one of these things actually happened today! 😄

Have a great Wednesday!!! ❤👍❤😛❤

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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