My Actifitivity: October 4 2022

in hive-193552 •  2 years ago 



This one is for yesterday. I dozed off on the sofa. Sofa king tired.

After all the rain lately, suddenly a second spring season comes back. Everything is green again and with blazing blue skies the sun gets to show its might one more time.



The air is swarming with insects again. Little lady bugs everywhere. And in the meadows I met this exuberant caterpillar.



But it's not actually spring yet, just a very beautiful autumn day. So there's mushrooms all around as well.



More porcelain mushroom. Huge ones, too. I don't think I've seem them in such sizes before.

And porcelain mushrooms, if you didn't know, can especially be enjoyed with a look from down below.



Thanks for your time!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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