My Actifitivity: June 18 2022

in hive-193552 •  2 years ago 



More sunshine and all blue skies. It's getting uncomfortably warm now with the temperatures in their mid thirties on the centigrade scale, that's in the nineties for my American guests.

I drove into the city to bring some quarantine supplies for Hazel. She tested positive for corona this week and is isolating herself. She's having some flu symptoms but she's doing fine so far, nothing too bad. Self-quarantining is probably still the right thing to do, though.

I quickly dropped off a box of snacks and stuff so that I would make it back before lunch but the car decided to do that thing again where it doesn't want to start a second time in warm weather. Ugh!

I've done some googeling since it happened the last time, it's probably a degraded pressure sensor on the fuel line which cuts out the power to the fuel pump when there's a high temperature built up around the engine. After cooling down, the car will start normally again and as long as the running engine creates a constant flow of "cold" fuel it will run fine, too.

Oh well, I didn't have the time to wait it out so I rushed to get a train back.



When I had that issue with the car for the first time last summer I had it looked at but nobody ever checked that sensor thingy. Instead they proposed to just replace the fuel pump itself because it might be faulty.

If my google assisted diagnose is correct and it's just the sensor... that should be a much cheaper fix!

Oh well.

Luckily I was able to get a good train connection and I made it back to the village just in time to put some food on the table for grandma.

I'll wait for cooler temperatures, maybe tomorrow evening, to go back by train and pick up the car... what a hassle.

In the afternoon @isnogud came for a visit and we went for a walk out to the beaver creek. Compared to the midday heat in the city, that's a much more pleasant way to endure this hot summer's weather.



Thanks for your time!



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