The Red Hexagonal Sign of the Devil

in history •  last year 

I'll keep this breif since most of what needs to be said has already been said.

Long ago before you and I were ever born, an evil demonic child sacrificing and blood drinking vampirism of a society was born at an unkown specific date, however their influence in the world has been relatively well recorded, for their influence has been vast and ever hurtful to humanity for hundreds of years. They have turned their family into a satanic mafia, worshipping and practicing anything that is anti-God.

This mafia has a name that has been left in the dark for the majority of the world despite is blatent obvious symbolism and practices happening right before the very eyes of the common layman. "How could that be?", one may wonder, how is that something so evil as child sacrificing could be left unseen?

Their symbol is many and very well known throughout the world, yet few ever ponder on the origins.


The link will give you an deeper explanation of why the world is the way it is. It includes a vast amount of their history however it is just scratching the surface. I hope you enjoy this article presented above. For those that want to dive a little deeper a video. Yes, documentaries on history xan be very boring indeed, but that is how we have been conditioned. Power through the ego's want to deter. And grab a large popcorn because it is going to be a long one.

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