[ESP+ENG] El viejo granero / The old barn (Historias del camino/ Stories of the road)

in historiasdelcamino •  last year 

Versión en Español

El Viejo Granero 2

Un viejo de unos 60, tal vez 70 años, lucia entero mientras caminaba por el asfalto a una lado de la carretera, iba cargando sobre su espalda una grande y a todas luces pesada mochila, venía en busca de un viejo amigo del camino, otro mochilero mucho mas joven, que a diferencia de el recorría los caminos perdidos de Dios a pie, quiso este tal vez que sus pasos lo guiaran a un pequeño poblado, luego de indagar un poco, el dueño de una ferretería lo envio directo hasta una vieja granja a unos pocos kilómetros a las afueras del pueblo, no podía perderse, la granja estaba al lado del camino, y en la entrada habia un enorme letrero, hasta allí llego el viejo mochilero, cuando vio el cartel de «SE BUSCA EMPLEADO» supo que habia llegado.

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Antes de abrir la verja se agacho detrás de unos matorrales, saco algo de su mochila y lo enterró con mucho cuidado, luego cubrió sus huellas para que nadie notara que habían cavado en el sitio, entonces se dispuso a abrir la reja que estaba desprovista de un candado y echo a andar por aquel camino de tierra cerrando la verja detrás de el, avanzo con paso firme directo hasta la casa, no tuvo necesidad de llamar a la puerta, una viejita de cabeza blanca que podría ser bien su mama o su hermana mayor salió a su encuentro, le habían dado su nombre en el pueblo, la viuda Mckenzie, la señora lo estuvo observando desde que abrió la reja y entro en su propiedad.

-Buenas tardes viejo, ¿que se le ofrece?.

-Buenas tardes mi señora, empleo!!!, dijo el viejo mochilero volteándose y señalando el cartel de la entrada.

-¿No estará muy viejo para la jornada?, el trabajo de campo es duro y no para todo el mundo.

-Seguro aguantare, todavía estoy fuerte pese a mis años.

La viuda Mckenzie abrió la puerta de par en par invitándolo a entrar, lo hizo pasar hasta la cocina, y sin preguntarle si tenía hambre comenzó a preparar unos huevos con tocino, el viejo mochilero la detuvo en seco, ya habia almorzado en el pueblo, a su edad su estomago no le permitía cometer excesos, la viuda Mckenzie, guardo los huevos, y el tocino en el refrigerador y se dispuso a entonces a explicarle al viejo mochilero las condiciones del empleo, por una paga semanal, se tendría que hacer cargo de los animales en el establo, y las gallinas del corral, ayudarla con la siembra de maíz y realizar adicionalmente algunas reparaciones que su casa tan vieja como ella necesitaban, la viuda Mckenzie midió al vejo, por su rostro duro y los callos en sus manos no le hizo falta preguntarle si estaba capacitado, era obvio, el viejo asintió con la cabeza trabajaría solo dos semanas, con eso juntaría el dinero necesario para seguir su camino, sellado el trato con un apretón de manos la viuda aprovecho para hacerle una última indicación.

-No se acerque al viejo granero, esta terminante prohibido!!!.

-Entendido mi señora.

la anciana guió a su nuevo empleado hasta el 2do piso, le asigno una habitación, ya era tarde, le indico que descansará esa noche, mañana la jornada empezaba temprano antes del amanecer con el cantar de los gallos, el viejo mochilero coloco su mochila a un lado de la cama, echándose a descansar pero no cerro sus ojos, espero a que oscureciera, cuando se apagaron todas las luces y no oyó ningún ruido mas, se levanto, saco un pequeño mechero de su mochila, una lata de frijoles y los calentó para cenar, luego de comer se acostó con ojo abierto. A las 4 am comenzó la jornada, el viejo alimento a los animales, luego ayudo con la siembra de maíz, la viuda Mckenzie se dio cuenta que era un experto conductor, cuando lo vio tomar el volante del tractor sin necesitar que ella le indicara cual palanca accionar.

Al mediodía paraban para almorzar, la viuda Mckenzie le servia un generoso plato que el viejo agradeció, pero pidió permiso para subir a su cuarto a comer a solas, le explico a la anciana que tantos años en la carretera lo habían descivilizado, era grotesco verlo comer, la viuda Mckenzie entendió, el viejo mochilero subió a comer solo a su cuarto, luego del receso del almuerzo el viejo comenzó con algunas reparaciones de la casa, hasta la hora de cenar cuando el viejo ya no tuvo que dar una explicación, agradeció el plato de comida a la viuda, lo tomo y subió a su cuarto a cenar. La noche era tranquila, la viuda Mckenzie se acostó con las gallinas, a las 9 apago las luces, cuando estuvo todo en calma, el viejo abrió su mochila saco el mechero, colocando una lata de frijoles a calentar, así transcurrió la primera semana, hasta que la rutina de la viuda Mckenzie cambio.

Esa noche luego de terminarse su lata de frijoles, el viejo se acostó en la cama con un ojo abierto, escucho ruidos abajo, no se encendieron las luces de la casa, el viejo se asomo con cuidado por la ventana, observo como la viuda Mckenzie salía de la casa alumbrando con una farola, caminaba hasta el viejo granero, llevando algunas herramientas y tablas de madera, durante toda esa semana, la viuda Mckenzie repetía sus visitas al viejo granero. Llego el último día de trabajo se habían cumplido las dos semanas pactadas, al día siguiente partiría de nuevo con su mochila acuestas le confirmo, la viuda Mckenzie le agradeció por su ayuda y lamento que no pudiera quedarse mas tiempo, era un buen trabajador, a pesar de sus años no se quejo ni un solo día, la viuda agasajo al viejo esa última noche preparándole una deliciosa cena, una de sus viejas recetas le comento, pavo asado, maíz, puré de papas, y la guinda un pastel de manzana, -esta cena era la favorita de mi difunto marido- le dijo, cuando el viejo tomo su plato para subir a su acuarto a cenar, la viuda le dijo que no era necesario, podía quedar a comer en la cocina, ella de tanto en tanto iba al pueblo en su camioneta para cenar con alguno de los pocos amigos que le quedaban con vida, la anciana se despidió, salió de la casa, se monto en su vieja pickup, marchándose, el viejo la vio marcharse, se levanto de la mesa sin tocar su cena.

Afuera de la casa vio salir la vieja pickup de la viuda Mckenzie, aun así espero todavía unos 15 minutos antes de dirigirse hasta la entrada de la granja, detrás de unos matorrales, no muy profundo pero si bien escondió retiro lo que hace 2 semanas habia guardado cuando llego, volvió sobre sus pasos hasta de vuelta a la granja, no fue a la casa, camino directo hasta el viejo granero!!!, forzó la puerta, saco su linterna para alumbrar el interior, en el centro del granero se encontro con unas estanterías alineadas formando un pasillo, los estantes estaban repletos de objetos personales, colocados como si de una exhibición se tratase, se fijo en un viejo violín, reconoció las iniciales de su dueño, su viejo amigo, este había sido su triste final, el último estante del pasillo estaba vacio, arriba el nombre que lo coronaba era el suyo «MONCHO».

Apago su linterna, se sentó en la penumbra a esperar, unos minutos después escucho la vieja pickup de la viuda Mckenzie retornando a la granja, por lo visto la cena con su viejo amigo había sido muy corta, el viejo Moncho armo su escopeta de doble cañón recortada calibre 50, cuando la puerta del viejo granero se abrió, la viuda Mckenzie entro alumbrando con su farola -BOOOM, BOOOM!!!-, a partir de esa noche no desaparecieron mas mochileros en ese camino.


In English:

The Old Barn 2

An old man of about 60, maybe 70 years old, looked whole while walking on the asphalt on the side of the road, he was carrying a large and clearly heavy backpack on his back, he was looking for an old friend on the road, another backpacker much younger, who unlike him traveled the lost paths of God on foot, perhaps he wanted his steps to guide him to a small town, after investigating a little, the owner of a hardware store sent him directly to an old farm a few kilometers outside of town, you couldn't get lost, the farm was next to the road, and at the entrance there was a huge sign, that's where the old backpacker came, when he saw the sign "WANTED EMPLOYEE" he knew that had arrived.

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Before opening the gate, he crouched down behind some bushes, took something out of his backpack and buried it very carefully, then covered his tracks so that no one would notice that they had dug in the place, then he prepared to open the gate that was devoid of a padlock and started walking down that dirt road closing the gate behind him, he advanced with a firm step directly to the house, he did not have to knock on the door, an old lady with a white head that could be either his mother or his sister The older man came out to meet him, they had given him her name in the town, the widow Mckenzie, the lady had been watching him since he opened the gate and entered his property.

-Good afternoon old man, what is offered to you?

-Good afternoon my lady, job!, said the old backpacker turning around and pointing to the sign at the entrance.

-Won't you be too old for the day? Field work is hard and not for everyone.

-Surely I will endure, I am still strong despite my years.

The widow Mckenzie opened the door wide, inviting him in, she made him go into the kitchen, and without asking him if he was hungry, she began to prepare some eggs and bacon, the old backpacker stopped her dead, he had already had lunch in town, At his age, his stomach did not allow him to commit excesses, the widow Mckenzie kept the eggs and bacon in the refrigerator and then she prepared to explain to the old backpacker the conditions of employment, for a weekly payment, he would have to take charge of the animals in the barn, and the chickens in the yard, helping her with the planting of corn and additionally making some repairs that her house, as old as her, needed, the widow Mckenzie measured the old man, for his hard face and the calluses on his hands He did not need to ask him if he was qualified, it was obvious, the old man nodded his head, he would only work for two weeks, with that he would raise the necessary money to continue on his way, sealing the deal with a handshake, the widow took the opportunity to give him one last indication. .

-Do not approach the old barn, it is strictly prohibited!

-Understood, my lady.

The old woman guided her new employee to the 2nd floor, assigned him a room, it was already late, told him that he would rest that night, tomorrow the day began early before dawn with the crowing of the roosters, the old backpacker placed his backpack at one side of the bed, laying down to rest but did not close his eyes, he waited until it got dark, when all the lights went out and he heard no more noise, he got up, took a small lighter from his backpack, a can of beans and the He warmed up for dinner, after eating he went to bed with his eyes open. At 4 am the day began, the old man fed the animals, then he helped with the planting of corn, the widow Mckenzie realized that he was an expert driver, when she saw him take the wheel of the tractor without needing her to indicate which one. actuate lever.

At noon they stopped for lunch, the widow Mckenzie served him a generous plate that the old man appreciated, but he asked permission to go up to his room to eat alone, he explained to the old woman that so many years on the road had decivilized him, it was grotesque to see him eat, the widow Mckenzie understood, the old backpacker went up to eat alone in his room, after the lunch break the old man began with some repairs to the house, until dinner time when the old man no longer had to give an explanation, he thanked the plate of food to the widow, he took it and went up to his room to have dinner. The night was calm, the widow Mckenzie went to bed with the chickens, at 9 I turn off the lights, when everything was calm, the old man opened his backpack, took out the lighter, placing a can of beans to heat, that's how the first week passed, until the widow Mckenzie's routine changed.

That night after finishing his can of beans, the old man lay in bed with one eye open, he heard noises downstairs, the lights in the house did not come on, the old man carefully leaned out of the window, he watched as the widow Mckenzie She left the house lighting a street lamp, walked to the old barn, carrying some tools and wooden boards, throughout that week, the widow Mckenzie repeated her visits to the old barn. The last day of work arrived, the agreed two weeks had expired, the next day he would leave again with his backpack on his back, I confirm, the widow Mckenzie thanked him for his help and I regret that he could not stay longer, he was a good worker, Despite his years, he did not complain for a single day, the widow entertained the old man that last night by preparing him a delicious dinner, I told him one of his old recipes, roast turkey, corn, mashed potatoes, and the icing on an apple pie, "This dinner was my deceased husband's favorite," she told him, when the old man took his plate to go up to his room for dinner, the widow told him that it was not necessary, she could stay to eat in the kitchen, she from time to time She was going to town in her truck to have dinner with one of the few friends she had left, the old woman said goodbye, left the house, got into her old pickup, leaving, the old man saw her leave, got up from the table without touching your dinner.

Outside the house he saw the widow Mckenzie's old pickup come out, even so, he still waited about 15 minutes before heading to the entrance of the farm, behind some bushes, not very deep but although he hid it, he removed what he had 2 weeks ago saved when he arrived, he retraced his steps until he returned to the farm, he did not go to the house, he walked directly to the old barn !!!, he forced the door, he took out his flashlight to illuminate the interior, in the center of the barn he found himself with some shelves aligned forming a corridor, the shelves were full of personal objects, placed as if it were an exhibition, he noticed an old violin, he recognized the initials of its owner, his old friend, this had been his sad end, the last shelf in the corridor was empty, at the top the name that crowned it was his "MONCHO".

He turned off his flashlight, sat in the dark to wait, a few minutes later he heard the widow Mckenzie's old pickup returning to the farm, apparently dinner with his old friend had been very short, old Moncho armed his double-barreled shotgun 50 caliber sawed-off cannon, when the door of the old barn opened, the widow Mckenzie entered lighting with her lamppost -BOOOM, BOOOM!!!-, from that night no more backpackers disappeared on that road.


Las imágenes:

La portada y la viuda Mckenzie de Freepik.com

El viejo y el joven mochilero creada por mi en starryai.com

El viejo granero a oscuras de pxhere.com

#bigbdp #BigVERSO #HistoriasdelCamino

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