in helloblurt •  2 years ago 


I am convinced someone impregnated my mother, that's why I am here. Where is he? Where is my father?

I thought my father impregnated my mother but mum is alone fending for me by herself. He's nowhere to be found. Where is my father?

The Holy Spirit did not fall on my mother like the virgin Mary, maybe I'm the next Jesus. Where is my father?

Nobody told me how I came about. Mummy is still trying to mutter words to explain her side of the story.
Where is daddy?

Where is my father?

Mom carried me for 9 months until delivery, Dad was nowhere to be found so I was told. Where is my father?

Was he dead I asked curiously like a child who craves fatherly love and mentorship?

No, he's alive and well. Really, so where is my father?

I grew up skipping all the developmental stages my father would have been part of but he was nowhere to be found. Where is my father?

I grew up seeing mum take every decision and responsibility my father should have taken. Some she got right, some she got wrong. You won't blame her, she is just a woman. Where is my father?

In school, I saw my friends' fathers dropping them off at school but mine was nowhere to be found. The day Mom can't make it, I am on my own. Where is my father?

Our troublesome neighbor's children will ridicule and mock me for being a bastard while their father was always there to protect and guide them. Where is my father?

I am always the last person to pay my fees at school. My mother's petty business is not mature enough to carry our financial burden. Mum will cry all night for help to train me. Where is my father?

I am growing into a man without someone to look up to as a father for direction and advice. Where is my father?

Is this what fatherhood means, I asked mum anxiously, she could barely answer me because she is heartbroken by the very man she looked up to as a husband.

Where is my father?

Sometimes I wonder if he even cares if I exist since all through these years, my mother has played the dual role of being a father and mother. Where is my father?

She's getting tired of me asking her who my father is and where he is. Where is my father?

I am becoming a man and my father is nowhere to be found.

As you celebrate Father's day today, I have still not found my father.

Please, dear men, don't be like my father. I am not putting him in a bad light but he has some explanations to give to me.

Where is my father?

The boy is the father of a man, I hope and working tirelessly so that I don't repeat my father's absence. Where is my father?

A cry of a frustrated son.

Happy Father's Day to my mother standing in as a father.

This post represents every young man and woman asking this same question every day of their lives.

Don't trivialize this, it isn't easy.

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