The Discipline Upon Mr Self

in helloblurt •  2 years ago 

This particular write up is supposed to be about self discipline.


First of all, self discipline Is one of the hardest thing to achieve as a human being, but once you reach that stage where you have completely put yourself under your own control, then you have attained an unstoppable height as a person or individual.

When the "little miss I will do it tomorrow" trended, I just laughed because I knew I was rolling on that table.

Especially as a young Nigerian man or woman, we are always choked up with a long list of things to do, and when we cannot meet up, we procrastinate till we even forget about it.

Did you know, there's a state you can reach as a person where you know you're almost like a god.(please read and understand). This is a state of sovereignty where you're almost your own ruler.

To attain this state comes with a lot of sacrifices and rituals. The list of the rituals is endless and they include rising early, cultivating positive habits, training your mind and of course, become highly self disciplined.

I'll tell a personal story:

I used to be someone who would start a project and leave it halfway, no matter how excited I was about it in the beginning.

Do you know why?

Aside from being very young, I had not mastered the act of self discipline. It was amazing to begin something but sustaining became a problem.

But everything changed when I identified the problem, I was my own problem. It's not that I was not knowledgeable enough or I wouldn't excel if I sustained it till the end, there was no capacity in me to sustain it.

Not only did my inability to get disciplined affect the things I did, it affected my relationships with people too.

But once I was able to identify the problem and work on it, things began to turn out differently.

The thing is, most of the things we are praying for is on the other side of self discipline. If you can reach the state of sovereignty, there is almost nothing you cannot do, no matter how difficult it seems in the beginning.

Do this:

Reevaluate yourself, look within you and identify the areas you really need to work on. I'm not saying it easy, it's not. You will want to give in to your old self on a lot of days but do not.

There's so much you could do, if you're disciplined enough. Do not fall into the category of people who want a gold medal but they are not willing to train like an athlete. It's a stupid mentality we need to get rid off.

Meanwhile, I have been away for so long but this week I was made to enter an agreement. For the next one month, any day I do not share my content, I pay a daily fine.

I paid for yesterday's own this morning and I am not even ready to continue like that😹 Things are hard abeg.

So please, make sure you take my contents seriously. Pick the things that pertain to you and apply them.

I hope you got value

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