in helloblurt •  2 years ago 

Yesterday, a lone accident killed a middle aged woman in Calabar while in a hot chase of her husband over his “mistress.”


The accident which was said to be caused by over speeding, involved the Toyota Highlander of the deceased woman.

Although the woman was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital, but she was said to have died few minutes later due to the injury sustained from the incident.

The woman was said to be in pursuit of her husband who was alleged to be with a “side chick” in his car when she lost control of her vehicle, killing herself in the process.

She sighted her husband leaving SPAR Shopping Mall in the company of this side chick, then she tried to block her husband’s car with the Toyota Highlander she was driving in.

But her husband was able to maneuvered his vehicle out of the attempted blockade and then took the Murtala Muhammed highway, with his wife in serious pursuit.

In a bid to outrun her husband, she lost control of the speeding vehicle, veered off the road and slammed the vehicle, head long, into a tree, damaging the vehicle beyond repairs and also killing herself.”

This is a sad way to die.

As a woman, if your husband's indulges in adultery and he wouldn't stop, instead of allowing it to affect your mental health, immediately file for divorce.

Don't kill yourself because of another adult who is capable of decision but insisted on violating his marriage. Be wise. There's always happiness in life. Find a way to get it.

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