in helloblurt •  2 years ago 



A Christian man who is not faithful to his wife and able to manage his own family well has already reproached the name of the Lord.

The first ministry of a Christian man is his home. He learns to manage the house of God by first being a good manager of his own home.

This is what the scripture teaches.

In 1 Timothy 3 where the qualifications of overseers are outlined, God wasn't only referring to ministers; he was also talking to Christian men.

Don't be shroud at home and loving outside. Don't be outside what you are not at home. Don't love the world and be nice to everyone except your wife.

You know there are men who are soft spoken when they talk with everyone else except with their wife. People think they are kind and gentle.

But at home they are crude, harsh and unloving. It shouldn't be. It's wrong. In God's order and way, you should be kind at home first.

Your home is your first ministry. 1 Timothy 5:8 says, "Anyone who does not provide for his own household has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

As a Christian man, you must learn to minister to your home adequately. Ministering to your home doesn't mean to lead them in morning prayers. No. Even though that's part of it, it's not exactly what it is.

To minister to your home means to supply the lifeline that keeps your home together and provides the bedrock and inspiration for everything that works in that family.

A Christian man must be self-controlled, temperate, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money, manages his home well and see that his children are obedient to the Gospel.

If you are always quarrelling and fighting in your home, you are reproaching the name of the Lord. Learn to love your wife. Learn it and take responsibility for everything in your marriage. You are the head.

If a minister is fraudulent it is because his home is actually not in order. No man with a responsible home misbehave outside. He wouldn't want a bad name for his family.

See you soon.

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