My experience

in helloblurt •  3 years ago 


5 Vital Lessons From a Football Match That Will Prep You For Success

Few years ago I attended a local football match between two of the best teams in the region.

The match venue was filled to capacity.

It was the final match of a regional football competition and dignitaries within and outside the state were present to watch the match.

The home team have always lost every match the played in the past with the rival team.

Meanwhile, the rival team had won every other match they played prior and were expected to win this one.

The home team coach had boosted that his boys will not be beaten on their own soil.

The game was tough and ended goalless first half.

I kept wondering how the coach was going to turn this game around as expectation was high.

Soon it was the second half and the boys returned to the field with a higher level of tact, discipline and motivation and half way into the second half, the home team had scored two goals already.

It was all cheers and jubilation when the game ended with a score line of three goals to nothing in favor of the home team.

In retrospect, that game taught me crucial lessons on achieving success.

Here are five of the most vital lessons from that game that can transform and set you up for success:

1]: Have A Game Plan - The home team returned with a game plan and this helped them win. If you must succeed and become wealthy then you must have a game plan for money. You must decide how much you want to make, how and when you want to make it. You must also have a plan for spending, saving and investing your money. If you don’t plan for your money you can never multiply your money.

2]: No Goal, No Victory - In a football match the team that score the most goals wins. Therefore, the goal of every team during a match is to put the ball in the net. What are your money goals? What do you intend to achieve financially? When you don’t have a goal you will most likely lose motivation and the desire to succeed.

3]: Team Work Is Critical To Success - The team that work together has the best chance to succeed. You must understand that nobody succeeds alone. To succeed in the game of money, you must leverage on other people’s idea, time, resources, etc to become successful.

4]: Never Lose The Ball - One of the instruction from the coach was never to lose the ball because you cannot score a goal without the ball. Likewise, if you must become rich you must ensure you do not lose money for no tangible reason. Don’t lose your money either through waste or unnecessary spending.

5]: Do Not Give Up - The home team did not give up in spite of the unproductive first half. They came back and succeeded. If you must become rich you must learn never to give up no matter how tough it get and despite disappointments you may face.

You too can leverage these vital lessons to build wealth and success.

Making money is not rocket science. You just need to know what to do, how to do it and start doing it.

Cheers to your success!

P.S. There are 3 things you need to know if you're interested in starting a business online.

Once you apply these 3 things your success is almost assured.

You can discover these 3 things in a special article I've put together.

One last thing you need to have in mind is that most successful people made their money during times of adversity like Nigeria is facing today.

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