in helloblurt •  3 years ago 


I am Rev Fr Ada Emmanuel, a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Gboko , Benue State Nigeria. I hold a Bachelor of Art in Philosophy, Bachelor of Theology and a Post Graduate Diploma in Education(PGDE). Planning one’s journey with a sail boat often implies planning one’s journey around the whims of nature. The desire to be of service to God and his people as his ministry priest was a call of selfless service to humanity. I cannot afford to depend on the whims and caprices of the wind to pilot the affairs, as serious and engaging as the priesthood. I am an enigma, fit and dispose for the spiritual growth of the people of God.


Immediately after my ordination in 2013, which I had work in the chancery; the heart of the Diocese. I was saddled with the responsibility of an Assistant Pastor in St. Winnifred Parish Ihugh; Benue State Nigeria. As a young priest, I was also appointed the Director of Projects, Catholic Diocese of Gboko.




Then, I imbibed a dictum: “If you can’t feed a hundred people, feed just one”. As a special person, my life is anchored on this dictum. As a priest, I care deeply about all people, which is my life’s calling, but also as someone who sees wrong in our world and who does whatever he can to make things better for those who find themselves in different situations. I have been empowering people to help those less fortune and help those who are having difficulties whether it be in health, finance and other life’s positive ventures.

Presently, with the help of trusted friends, we run an organization called Direct Relief Foundation Nigeria. A foundation aimed at reaching out to the less privileged in areas like; academics, medical outreach, scholarships, skills acquisition and world a view. Though work is ongoing but not yet fully registered. However, it’s vision and mission is already in existence going by what we do. For me, the greatest gift for humanity is leaning a shoulder for others to lean on.





Since human beings are products of mentoring, my life has been fashioned and influenced by great personalities. I find extreme joy reading the works of the Formal President of the United States of American; Barack Obama, his in-depth Will of mobilization and concern for the poor. My admiration for Mother Theresa of Calcutta; her selfless generosity knows no bounds. St. Rita of Cascia and Pope John Paul II. These instrumental figures had demonstrated love and care for humanity regardless. So,basically; I’m following their track records to contribute my quota in the works of humanity. Indeed, posterity will be kind to them.



Presently, I’m Project Director of Selagi Projects . Selagi project is the initiative of the Catholic Bishop of Gboko, to put a smile on a community that since it’s existence has lacked basic human needs. A community that is cut off from modern civilization, a community without an electricity and clean water supply. Towards the effective realization of the dream for Selagi Project, I have come up with a fifteen (15) years solid vision in these areas: Religious Activities, Marian Shrine, Shrines of Various Saints, Chapel of Perpetual Adoration, Accommodation for Pilgrims, Retreat Center, Retirement Home, Recreational Center, School Library, Hostels for both Female and Male, Skills Acquisition Centre, Mesuem, Mini Market, Parks and Garden. This is a vision that will be actualized within the stipulated time frame if proper founding and support is given.



This community is best describe as poor and vulnerable .
Through my presence on ground for the past three years we have been able to build and roof an elementary and high schools and students have begun learning .
The project also has a weekly adoration programme , this avenue opens up for pilgrims from different works of life for the purpose of worshipping God. Some, due to the deplorable nature of the road during winter, accessibility into the community becomes a problem.


Selagi which is named after a mountain , this mountain has remained the viable way by which God has demonstrated his presence . A cross stand over the mountain; 14feet tall, built from the generosity of Direct Relief Foundation and a good fellow Mr. John Ugaga. This cross has been a source of blessing to the teeming population that come for worship. This religious activity has helped a lot of people for their spiritual and other needs , since the black man is a highly religious person .




As a community organizer, we have integrated the whole community into agriculture, this is aimed at re-channeling their energies to useful ventures thereby reducing the tendency of high cult activities, crimes and other illegal activities within the community . This had worked so well .

I have functioned in other capacities over time.
Director of the Catholic Resource Center where we gathered people and encouraged and trained them towards been self-sufficient and substantial! This programme was done for three years and has endured even as I am no more there .
I was the pioneer chaplain of Government Secondary School Gboko .
This also availed me the opportunity to work with youths . I also begun a catholic chaplaincy that has endured up till now.



The social media is a powerful means of reaching out to people far beyond imagination. I have been on the social media platform for more than two decade. My page has been a platform to reach out ; promote virtues that are worthwhile and vices of any sort

My humanitarian actions are guided by the humanitarian principles of humanity. Today, I’m happy as a priest because my job reflects my values and my believes. And this, by the grace of God which is sufficient; I shall continue to reach out to humanity on the pulpit and off the pulpit ! God helping us. I was introduced to this platform by @beskizito.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Awesome. I am very interested in learning more about Jesus. I’m also Studying Hebrew and Aramaic to read the oldest scrolls from the 1st Century.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sounds good! You will definitely find Christ interesting as you read through your books of studies . Thanks

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Welcome to Blurt. You are doing very good work. Blurt can help you with your projects there. Post updates and we will upvote and also share with our many thousands of Followers on Twitter. We will spread the word. #blurtlove

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt, I am one of the co-founders and am very pleased to have you join us. I know many platforms don't welcome religion, but Blurt is a free speech community and we welcome everyone. I hope you and your congregation find a home here and find much success sharing your faith.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I feel so humbled and honored to be welcomed by you Co-founder. Thanks for given me this special consideration and opening a new wave . Thanks sir .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

No, it is I that am humbled to have God's presence and his people join Blurt, I think only blessings and prosperity can come of it. Bless you.

Yes that's true sir, we are happy to have the servant of God here on blurt, it is actually a blessing to us.
Welcome once again @rajitsear.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks again and again and I wish to say here that if I have another opportunity, I will still be here . It’s truly amazing

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Blurt was always meant to be the land of milk and honey, a place where the poor can be uplifted, those who struggle emotionally to find peace and community support; a place to skyrocket ideas and those who develop them.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This idea is indeed a noble one . We must not allow this dream sleep by . This is a golden opportunity for all ; that you have a platform for your dream ? This is incredible.
Well done the master-minders. Great initiative.

Welcome to Blurt. I needed to read your post twice and through the comments before deciding to welcome you here. I'm doing so despite not being a fan of the Catholic church, which has caused much pain in my country, from enabling the rape of small children and when caught moving the rapists to a different locale so they could start over again with more innocent children. Weighing in politically on issues that many like myself disagree with the stances of and the advocating of theft through taxes to fund these issues.

And lastly, what in my opinion is somewhat of a blasphemy in asserting one can become an intermediary between the masses and God. No man has special access to God, and no person male or female can dispense some semblance of forgiveness if any is to be given. There are many rituals that have made idols of figures such as Mary.

Despite that, you appear to be doing good work and have support of some already here at Blurt who appear to have advocated to you coming here. I appreciate some of the answers that you have given in response to comments.

So while I'm not a fan of the Catholic church, I will support you DESPITE your affiliation with it. But I'm supporting you the man, the work you do and not your church.

I wanted to make this distinction, as your post has a heavy reference to your Catholic ties.

I look forward to reading your future posts on the work being done to lighten the burdens there. Glad to see you sharing this with is here at Blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

@praticalthought, thanks for the warm and extraordinary welcome . We all believe in order to understand, which for me, believe in God precede understanding of phenomena.

In life people make choices and freedom ought to be guaranteed and respected ; the creator of humanity does not even tamper with our freedom . We must also respect this . I am not a promoter of strict religion but not also loose in my belief . I am rather an advocate of moral values and principles . I don’t even believe that all must sail in a boat of single religion , neither I my working towards achieving that , that would be a futile journey. I am simply working to transform life and translate …..

The concept of forgiveness in the teaching of the Catholic Church is rooted in the imperative of Christ to his disciple … the post resurrection experience in John 20:23 holds this doctrine to be right . …. And Jesus appeared to his disciples … “peace be with you
Then he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit .
If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”

Different scholars down the ages have espoused on this matter in strict and lose senses each sense from their understanding . Works have been written on this by authors who argue for or against .
To make a universal statement on this matter in the negative might translate into a fallacy of hasty generalization.
However , I am happy that many people still recognize the good in people who are of this faith too. That’s a whole lot .
I have also met great people who do not agree 100percent with me in doctrinal matters but whom we have many points of convergence .
We all accept that humans must be treated right , regardless of where they come from , who they love , what they look like or what their last names are .
We also agree that we must put smiling faces to a hopeless generation , to people who are like in the forgotten conners of the world . I am working in a place that is completely rural and poor . My daily struggle to bring development to this people makes them see Christ in me . It makes them cry aloud and in silence and pray that I am never transferred from their place . Keep in mind that this is only a drop in an ocean , should they conclude that all priests are perfect being ? Far from that because their experience is not rooted in all yet , but in some they have met !
We keep the struggles as humans until we depart from this one . My philosophy of life is simple ; “if you can’t feed a thousand , feed one “
I am determined with the last blood of my life to push to provide for this very poor community . We have bonded so much that the whole community does not think If different doctrines exist . For them and me is to be morally upright and be a good person, regardless of denomination . I am happy to be on blurt to meet people that are far ahead of me even in the works of charity .

I have read from cover to cover the fantastic works that great people here are doing . I have been referred to their web pages on these great works. cf @elkezaksek
I am fascinated with the level of trust, warm welcome and ready to keep each other’s back on this platform. I see that good is upheld and evil is detested ;These are moral values and principles that are right , regardless of one’s denomination . They are qualities that I also as a catholic priest strive for and push for in my daily living .
Your outcry about the dark ages and abuse crimes is the same opinionated by @elkezaksek …Which I earlier took time to explain. Am glad you had time to go through the comments and responses .
We can never be proud of evil nor evil conceded . We all feel the pains of that generation . Going further , solutions are proffered to avoid future occurrence , that for me is a great success in waiting . Needless to begin to say it again and again .
Thanks and have great Sunday .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Great reply. There are many good Catholics in the world. I will be supporting your work in Nigeria and here on Blurt. I hope to feed thousands …

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I am glad you have joined blurt shortly after I spoke to you about this wonderful community Your work in the lives of people and your commitment to service are some of your attributes I like so much. There’s someone on blurt who is a humanitarian and the work done in Africa by this person is something huge and commendable, you may want to connect more with this user @elkezaksek

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are warmly welcomed to blurt sir, we look forward to getting educative contents from you and hope to enjoy you sermons here on blurt.

God bless you 🙏

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks ! We shall do our best !! Thanks for your lavished generosity and wishes. Gos bless you too

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt Fr. We are honored to have God's presence with us here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

God be praised! Great to have people like you around too . I do hope we shall inspire one another . God bless you

Welcome to blurt , I will be glad to also learn about Christ on your blog. Thanks for joining us here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You welcome !! We shall do the best we can and see how to be source of inspiration to one another .
Thanks so much for your warm welcome

We at Blurt are highly Bless to have you. I hope you find it interesting. This is remarkable, how Blurt is fast growing in strategic dimensions especially in Africa in courtesy of @bestkizito. More to wins.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to blurt Father, I am pleased your here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks so much . Pleased to be here with you too . God bless you

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to the Blurt! Please follow us on Twitter-, Telegram-, Join our Official Discord server- Here

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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Curated manually by @obikay

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks so much ! What an honour . I truly appreciate your generosity. God bless you

Welcome to blurt Platform and
this is the platform everyone can express own ideas here.
So i like this Platform very much

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks so much ! Good to be here .
It’s indeed a place to be

Welcome to Blurt

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to blurt

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks and God bless you

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Seeing your post here reminds me of my first encounter with you at St. Charles Lwanga’s preparatory seminary, Adeke when you facilitated our annual retreat.
I learnt a lot from you throughout that one week. I wished it lasted forever. It didn’t though. 😂
I hope to learn a lot from you on this great platform through your speeches and writings.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh my world ! What a place to meet !
It’s great knowing that you too are here .
Let’s keep our dreams alive .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

@the-gorilla sometime ago I was at the receiving end for signing up a user who you rightly called out my attention to for using words that were not nice. I can only sign and instruct people as much as I can but I can’t control 100% what they post. Here comes another person I have brought, can you please applaud me for this? It shouldn’t be only in bad times

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

👍 Forgive me for appearing harsh at the time - it wasn't my intention and the behaviour of 1 user should never be considered representative of the work the you're doing. So please accept my apologies if you were made to feel bad by my words.

Your work promoting Blurt is admirable - I'm particularly jealous of the logo's hoodie that you created... I think there's market potential in that if you decide to produce some more.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Lol thanks for your kind words I appreciate, there’s so much to be done and the shirt is among the agendas. Thanks maybe in future I can send one to you!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Maybe in the future, I can buy one from your "Blurt Shop" 😉

Although I must confess to not being a fan of the current logo so we may need to work on a slightly more subtle design 🙂

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome from my heart.
Very impressive content which attractive my attention with your real life work.
God bless you
My dear
@blurt friend

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks ! I really appreciate your warm wishes. God bless you too

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to blurt.

Thanks for the post on #blurtafrica. You have been manually curated by @leifasaur.

If you want to support my curation further, please delegate and vote for my posts that you find quality also.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to blurt

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks and God bless .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello and welcome to blurt @rajitsear To help your growth here on blurt kindly take some time and read through this post
Everything you need to succeed can be found on that post and read about tags and mentions as well and if you are not clear kindly reach out to our discord channel and I will be happy to help

Join blurtAfrica WhatsApp.

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@bestkizito for blurtafrica

Welcome! 🤬

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What a very nice Introduction post! Thanks for telling us much about yourself! Welcome to blurt👍

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks so much . I feel so welcomed amongst you . Thanks for your lavished words. Am grateful .

Awesome...just awesome! Very inspirational and motivational story. I have read this post and it effected very deeply. I liked your two thoughts so much:
1-"If you can’t feed a hundred people, feed just one"
2-"the greatest gift for humanity is leaning a shoulder for others to lean on"

By the way, you're most welcome to this beautiful community. And a lot thanks to blurtconnect-ng for reblurting your extraordinary post.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks so much . Am grateful for those sentiments poured on me , I am sincerely humbled . It’s great to be here on this platform .
I pray we have greater moments ahead .


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt!
When I see the children, my heart immediately opens....
Thank you for your dedication and great work.
My husband and I have a project in Uganda. We have been helping poor farmers and their families for 5 years.
We buy solar panels, water tanks and just now we are building the second house.
We sometimes pay medical bills, medicines or buy food.
We can hardly believe ourselves what we have accomplished, because we are only a couple with normal income and not an association.
We distributed food for 6 months last year in the lockdown and that would not have been possible without the blockchaines.
I think the Blurt community can help you too,
if you let them share your live and your work.
I am not a fan of the Catholic Church.
It is very rich and I think that accumulating money is not in the spirit of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Here in Germany, many people left the church because there were a large number of abused children and the church tried to cover it up....
In Uganda, the majority are Christians. They are very devout.
A big problem is that in the church it is still preached that contraception is a sin.This has not changed since the time of Pope John Paul II.
As a result, many children are born who cannot be properly nourished. ....
But of course there are also many Catholics who do great work and live their faith.
We have some in our city as well.

Once again dear @rajitsear
Welcome to Blurt!

Here some information about our work:

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

@elkezaksek.. thanks for the great welcome and the amazing work you and your husband are doing in the forgotten corners of the world , the church in Uganda in particular . This church has greatly suffered and our heart gladdens when we see works of charity thrown to them .

I also see the anxiety you raised about the Catholic Church and your expectation for them to reach out quickly but are slow to which made you not to be so enthusiastic about her matters. But am also glad that you could find also within your neighborhood, Catholics who are doing the expectation of Jesus and keeping the ethos of faith .

While we cannot be proud of those who have left the imperative of Jesus to care for the oppress and vulnerable , and most especially those who abused certain minors , we as a Church have regretted those moments. I am glad that the pope came out publicly to beg for forgiveness from the vulnerable victims of all sorts .

To further curtail that such does not happen , on May 29th March , 2019 the Vatican released three documents to protect the rights of these vulnerable and minors . In his “Motus Proprios “ the pope Stressed on the protection of minors and vulnerable adults, and the prevention of crimes against them; in place was also new regulations concerning the duty of reporting abuse, caring for victims and their families, removing offenders from their positions, and prosecuting those guilty of abuse.

In this Letter, the Pope also acknowledged the rights of the accused to a fair and impartial trial, including the presumption of innocence, rule of law, and proportionality in sentencing. This indeed is huge to curbing the ugly monster ( cf Motus proprios; 2019) this has become a war that we must all fight to protect all .

The church also did a great work “The Revised Book VI : penal sanctions in the church “ this sanctions takes effect from today the 8th of December . All these are to protect the human persons . We hope these help to check coverups as you rightly said and make our people safe. We again appreciate those who are genuinely trying.

However, we must struggle to bring back the lost sheep ; hence Christ said “ leave the 99 and go in search of the 1” we must constantly seek for ways to bring back the strayed .

I read with key details and interest your concern about children born and not being cared for and the hard teaching on contraceptives . While this can be true on the other hand , there is a wider and greater evil that is sort to protect namely ;the unborn .
We know that the use of contraceptives promotes high level of infidelity and promiscuity and also a less concern for the value of the human life which begins at conception.

The church upholds that , “that which would eventually grow to be a child be respected like the fully born” ; hence artificial ways of birth control are discouraged. You will agree with me that some of these contraceptives posses a risk to the mothers and their negative effects are eternal. The married are encourage to engage in the natural way of birth control. In my village , I do a workshop on that using the billing method, i invite experts and do the translation in the local language which has helped many .

We must keep the struggle and the hope .
We must strive to be different in our generation . That’s my believe and conviction and the reason I went into the priesthood .
Thanks so much for your frankness . I look forward to we having great interaction here . My poor community is glad when they see their kind being helped . We pray for such people . I pray for strength upon you .
Thanks to Blurt .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much for your detailed reply. I appreciate it very much that people exchange views, even if they disagree.
I live in Germany, where we have all the possibilities of contraception and it is also quite normal to do so.
And I know the people in Uganda, many of whom are not enlightened, do not use contraception for religious reasons or are too poor to be able to buy contraceptives.
Regardless of wealth, enlightenment and religion, one can observe in both countries that it is very common that marriage does not last.
Very often, men leave their wives after the children are born.
In Uganda, the situation is aggravated by the fact that women have hardly any rights. They have to fulfill their marital duties and are therefore often raped. Many men also have sexual relations outside of marriage.
It is striking how many women there live alone with their children, only unlike in Germany, they do not receive any state support and often live in very great poverty.
The protection of the unborn life is of course a high good, but I think that the protection of the women is just as valuable.
No man is able to put himself in a woman's place.
In my opinion, such laws of faith would have to be made by women and not by old (allegedly ) celibate men.

I think we all try to put ourselves in another person's life situation, but I think we all fail with it.
All of us.
We can listen, help, be there for the other person...but we are not in their shoes.....

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There is an imperative belief, as in intercultural, liberal, complementary, integral, multicultural and trans-cultural on the place of a woman in our society today. We cannot shy but accept these divergents views on the place and role of a woman. The place and importance of the woman is undebatable . When I see woman especially the uneducated and vulnerable and how they are sometimes treated , I have no choice than to speak out for the rights of women. I do that on and off the pulpit . You would be conversant with the works of a great German philosopher, Immanuel Kant; in his one of the categorical imperative, he states: “ Treat humanity the way you ought to be treated”. Going by this, we can reconcile the Kantian position with his first imperative: “Urging moral agents to act so that their actions becomes a general or universal law. I am an ardent believer in the principle of equality as all men and women are equal with same rights.

Women must be respected , however we can’t with a wave of hands wave extremism in every situation .
The church will always uphold the dignity of womanhood. The laws ain’t and won’t be made with sentiments in mind to victimize a certain group .
The mistake of the past is gone . We look forward to building a community the will be at peace .
The female sex generally is shy most times . Only a few speak out even in the deepest of oppressions ; they prefer to be silent and suffer inwardly .
Today we are glad to speak for all sex . We are all created by God and must be protected and not used as a means to an end but an end in itself .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I do not believe that the mistakes of the past have been overcome.
We have already taken a step forward, but we are still a long way from reaching our goal.
I often even have the feeling that some things are regressive, or at least not sufficiently progressive for the year 2021.
It is very sad that there are still wars.
But I think, if there is not even peace in the family, how should it work in the world community.

Yes, I like the Kant quote very much.
It could all be so simple and beautiful....

I am very happy that you came to Blurt!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hopefully we can use this Platform, Blurt to teach people. Blurt is a blog where we can learn new things. Hopefully good things, and see good works and do good works and encourage people to be creative and give them a good wage in Blurt to buy food and improve their lives. So many possibilities. I believe Blurt is helping … Blurt is a Force of Good in the World. Let’s all learn and work together. Spread the Teaching of Love. The lessons of Jesus and every other great Teacher of Love.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am happy also that he accepted to come to blurt, thanks for the warm welcome!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to blurt, it's indeed a blessing to have a man of God in our midst, we can't wait to share from your knowledge about God's words. Enjoy your stay sir and remain blessed 🙏♥️

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Greater thanks ! You truly inspire me with those great words . Thanks for truly making me feel homed .
God bless you

You're welcome Padre! It's really nice having you here, I look forward to your inspirational and positive impact on this platform expeditiously.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks . Am so proud to be here with you guys !
We shall, by His grace work together and see how to inspire one another

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sir you are welcome to our mist, hope you get use to the blog and navigate easily.
We are happy to have you here

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I hope so ! It’s great to be with you guys ; great minds . I love to be here . I really feel homed .
Thanks for making it one .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wellcome to blurt. It really an honour to have you here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks and we look forward to more hopeful days and times . God bless you

Welcome aboard. Blurt is a good platform to help people all over the world. We are here to help.

Welcome to Blurt.

Merry Christmas from Canada ! 🇨🇦


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt. @bestkizito shared your post with me. I am the @r2cornell, but writing through this account seeing as @bestkizito issuing my main account for curating. I wanted to personally welcome you to the Blurt Community.

I see you have a lot of support already based on the number of comments you have received on your first post. This is always good to see because it does show the Blurt Community at its best.

In the event I can ever be of assistance you reach me via Private Message on Discord, or you can go through @bestkizito.

I wish you well on the Blurt platform.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much sir for the kind and warm wishes.
I am even more grateful for your disposition to help whenever I call upon you .
Words here might not convey the intended sentiment of gratitude but kindly accept my sincere and heartfelt blessings.
Thank you

Welcome to blurt Rev. Fr. Ada Emmanuel @rajitsear
It is Very fascinating seeing a noble clergy like you among us.
I admire your love for the work of Barack Obama because he is my role model
A huuge success awaits you here.
I am a big fan of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Welcome once again sir and do have a nice time.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks so much ! Great to know that you are inspired by Obama too . Even better knowing that you treasure the word of God . God bless you. Looking forward to greater days ahead

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by <@bestkizito >


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much for the upvote sir !
May the lord give you his blessings . Best wishes sir .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome aboard. You will see that Blurt can be a force of good in the World.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Absolutely!!’ This sounds really amazing. We look forward to

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Your post has been upvoted (1.21 %)

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Thank you 🙂 @tomoyan

Welcome to blurt father Ada Emmanuel @rajitsear!
We are happy you posted in #blurtBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifPlease help support this curation account.

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much . Thanks for your show of love . This family is truly amazing. We shall connect at all ends .


Great to have you here with us on Blurt. Welcome. ☮️ 😇