Fake Love

in helloblurt •  2 years ago 


When a man is broke or not too okay financially, a lady wants to hear from God first whether he is the will of God for her.

But when he is rich and comfortable or has a good or promising job or business, she tells everyone to join her and thank God because she sees him as the answer to her prayers.

The value system or principles and ideals that guide behaviour in Africa is highly dented and eroded.

People traverse love, marriage, or relationships with a transactional thinking. The interest is solely based on what they can get, while completely ignoring the other person, his goals and needs.

The mindset is one of “how do I gain from this?”

This is unfortunately the basis on which so many marriages in Africa were erected. People find love where they see money. No, it shouldn't be.

Love is selfless. It does not see interests and personal gains.

Check the ladies who are no longer interested in their marriage; often, it is because they are not getting what they thought was there for them.


Am I saying that you should marry a poor man? I did not say so. My point is, your heart shouldn't be in it because of selfish reasons.

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