Hello Blurtter! It's nice to be here, now let's get to know each other better...

in helloblurt •  4 years ago  (edited)

So, do I call you Blurt? Or do you prefer to be called Blurtter? What frontends do you have? And is it true that you're soon to be migrating?

So many questions already and we've only just met! I guess it would be wise for me to read your mission statements(if they exist). Still, we have plenty of time and meanwhile, I can begin building a community of fellow blurters to interact with. In my short time here, I've been scanning the feeds and already I've noticed some familiar faces, but more importantly, I've noticed many new profiles I'm not familiar with, and this is very good to see.

Allow me to introduce myself

(I'm the teapot on the right)

My name is Daniel and I'm from the UK (Robin Hood country to be precise). I work as a mechanic which should tell you that I enjoy breaking things down and discovering how they work. This part of my personality doesn't just apply to mechanical objects, I'm just curious in general. and love to investigate all sorts of different things. I also love a good conspiracy theory. I understand that not everyone is a fan of "conspiracy theorists", but please don't let this put you off engaging with me. I'm just an open-minded person and I'm well aware that nothing is for certain in this crazy world. So, with that little disclaimer out of the way, let me continue...
I'm a big fan of James Corbett and I think that the guy's approach to his work is inspirational and I've learned so much from him. Another source of education/inspiration has come from my dear departed friend, David Robinson. He is the founder of a group named Lawful Rebellion, a group that tries to educate people about Common Law and the UK constitution. My name, @article61, is a reference to this group. Article 61 is the most important clause you will find in Magna Carta(1215 edition). To cut a very long story short, Article 61 basically states that if a government is not living up to their side of the bargain, "We", the people, have a lawful obligation to take back our country and the powers we granted those in governance. Not many people know this, but in 2001 article 61 of Magna Carta was lawfully invoked by a committee of barons and a petition was delivered to the Queen herself.

Screenshot_2020-03-27 peers petition queen on europe - Google Search(1).png

This was all done in accordance with our constitutional rights and if the world was a fair and just place the corrupt government we still have ruling over us would have fallen and many of them would be in jail (some of them hung!) Then we could all start again and most likely usher in a new and more corrupt government because that's just the way it works I suppose...

But that's enough about that and I'll move on before I get carried away with the subject because as much as I enjoy debating things like this there is much more about me.

In my spare time, I'm a very amateur photographer and have just begun enjoying drone photography. I currently own a Mavic Pro Platinum, which is a quite capable drone. Here are a couple of my videos I've posted on 3speak and Youtube.

Anywhere I travel, I take my drone with me and this summer I am looking forward to driving from the UK to Italy with the Mrs and capturing some great footage on the way. Unfortunately, I live in the UK and the weather here isn't very helpful when it comes to flying drones, so in the winter months, I try to fill the gaps with some good old fashioned camera photography. My first post on blurtter showcased my latest work, capturing some great pics using soap bubbles.


Besides photography, I also enjoy collecting coins and I have a selection of £2 coins & 50p coins with all sorts of designs on them. It all began when my daughter and I started collecting the 2012 Olympic 50p coins. It took forever to hunt them all down but we now own the full collection which I proudly have displayed in my living room.

image source

Another thing I enjoy doing in my spare time is cooking! Good food always brings a smile to my face and watching my family and friends enjoy the food I've prepared always makes me happy. In the very near future I'll be posting some of my favourite recipes on blurt, so get ready for a feast!

Well, I think that's enough about me (for now at least). I'm looking forward to getting to know as many folks as possible here on blurt and I wish this blockchain community and its developers all the success in the world.

Screenshot_2020-03-27  article61 - Google Search.png

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I believe you will do well here over time with your photography and collection of coins. So glad you came here (I know, I keep saying that).

I'm still learning the tags myself.

You gave an awesome introductory post. I even learned a few things despite interacting with you for a couple of years now. :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks, bud. I thought I'd pay the place its respects a write a proper hello.
I checked out your post about Blurt and your thoughts so far. It was very interesting and sounds like there is a good set of people leading the way. Hopefully, the place will go from strength to strength!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Welcome to the Blurt! Please follow us on twitter- https://twitter.com/blurtofficial. Join our Official Discord server- Here

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

A warm welcome!
I wish you a good time on our blogchain.
If you are interested in a delegation (1500 Blurtpower for one month), feel free to participate in my raffles. You will find everything you need to know in my raffle posts. See you there :)

Here is the latest edition:

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you and it's good to be here. I will come to check out your raffle, sounds a nice idea.