A Deep Dive into the Underground of Heavy Metal - Polish Blackened Death Metal

in heavymetal •  3 years ago 

I have always enjoyed Behemoths aggressive music but this article about frontman Adam "Nergal" Darski really shows the sacrifices it took for him and his band to reach the level of fame they did. It was not easy to stand up against the Catholic church in Poland, but he did manage to come out on top of most of the charges ever levied against him.

Blasphemy is something I practice very seriously in my life as well, as I will not live with or contribute to any meaningful relationship if anyone participating is going to acknowledge a god. I will sit out on 100% of those events because I consider religion to be synonymous with mental illness and talking to imaginary friends. That includes all the pseudo-spiritual types too not just Catholics. I don't want to be the enabler and let them think their imaginary friend exists in an echo chamber... I denounce their delusions of fear that from from Jude and Abraham with their snake oil books from the early days of man.

Battles between Catholic traditionalists and a generation with entirely new values are ongoing amid the right wing Law and Justice party’s erosion of LGBTQ rights, adoption of an almost complete ban on abortion in 2020 and, extraordinarily, prosecutors’ pursuit through the courts of some individuals on charges of blasphemy.

There is so many new diverse ways of viewing the world coming to light, it would almost seem unreasonable to suggest we all have the same creator. I disagree entirely with the sentiment that anyone should have any say about another persons actions. It should be until they can provide evidence harm was caused to another person that innocence is assumed.

Article 196 of the Polish penal code threatens a possible two-year prison sentence for “whoever offends the religious feelings of other persons”, and increasing numbers of citizens are falling foul of the law.

One of those targeted is Adam Nergal Darski. Frontman of internationally successful blackened death metal band Behemoth, Darski is also a former judge on TV’s The Voice of Poland, a cancer survivor, a satanist and an entrepreneur.

I for one do not give a fuck about your feelings, I am not a psychologist, doctor or a human resources employee, literally choke on your tears. If you want to pay me for my time, I will consider that as an economic opportunity and I could potentially satisfy your emotions in that context. I am not a slave though and do not respond to emotional dog whistles because I owe no man a debt. I am not owned and I do not care what the slaves of some master have to say about that. This is what being a rebel or anti status quo is about, dissent.

With a theatrically satanic aesthetic, blast beats, doomy guitars and growled vocals, Behemoth rose from the Polish metal underground of the 1990s. In 2014 The Satanist, the comeback album after Darski’s leukaemia battle, went gold in Poland and reached No. 34 in the US album chart. Since 2008, he has also been accused in not one but four blasphemy cases, three of them ongoing.

I see Adam as the victim of harassment here and as if the church is trying to hard censor him from his claim to fame. I want to see bibles burning, i want to see holy works destroy and I enjoy every single moment of it to the point I experience increased levels of lust when these topics are involved in my sex life. I love to hate and I reserve my right to dissent until I die. No one should have their expressions of dissent censored, that is a important part of the human psyche and the core component to resist slavery.

This is one of my favorite songs composed by the band Behemoth. I was fortunate enough to hear a recording from Download festival in 2007 where Inferno, broke the world record for fastest live bass drumming clocked in at over 300 Beats Per Minute using single action kick pedals from Czarcie Kopyto or Trick. I cant recall which of the 2 pedals he was using at the time, but the are similar in design and performance. If you drum and need some fucking pap to that kick, try out either brand, i own some Trick Dominators and they fucking rip tear like your the doom slayer on the kit.

This style of aggressive rebellious music is really where i can find peace of mind at any time in my life, knowing that chaos was the only constant and the people who try to hold onto the ghost inside the shell are just washed up slaves not worthy of my affection in the first place.

How Darski became one of Poland’s most fascinating contemporary figures is rooted in modern Polish history, and he has acknowledged that “I’ve experienced a clash of ages”.

I would really suggest reading this full article, it was inspiring and reminded me how unaffected I am by the worlds misanthropy if I do not have empathy for it. I am my own god and you are your own god. We do not owe each other tribute or acknowledgement to enjoy coexistence on this plane, for we are not slaves.

As the Sumerians would say, Edin Na Zu, if you have a problem with me.

Source: https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/darski-blasphemy-poland/

Drum Pedals Mentioned: https://www.czarciekopyto.com/en - https://trickdrums.com/product/dominator-single/

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am no satanist , do many declare me one after some deep conversations .
Christian roman based people , Muslim's , will place me and label me .
I am my own god , let you be your own god , they can't handle that truth . The last christen that challenged my own personal god and religion came to a funny conclusion . That i was maybe not Satan , but i had to be a demon .
My spirit thanked him for this compliment , and i answered , who knows , aren't we all fallen angels ? free to do as we want ?

Satanism is a religion to ,.. but hé , freedom rules . ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

When your soul is older than the walls in Rome, their cries are but a faint resonance in your subconscious. As I commonly say, the only regret I have is letting other people think i believed their lies.

Challenge everything, believe nothing until proven time and time again. Then question it just for the purpose of making sure the hand that feeds isnt getting too confident with the trust earned through consensus.