
in heartbreak •  3 years ago  (edited)

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Rejection is easy… Just for one.
Love is the problem, the hardest… Nah, it really isn’t.
Love is beautiful, simple, apt and complicated in the most simplest ways.
But once your heart tastes rejection from the one it burns for the most, it burns in… It takes control. Your heart freeze up, your soul becomes intoxicated.
Questions becomes your comfort zone; doubt your fortress. Everything you thought you knew becomes the strangest things you’ve heard.
What’s crazy is, you’re totally oblivious as tiny pieces fall from your heart.
You’re subconsciously blinded to the adhesive metamorphosis taking your being away.
Slow and easy, you become broken and proudly ignorant of it.
Delusion convinces you you’re fine, defense says, “You’re better off alone”. Reality is mute… Or not.
Days turn weeks, months to years yet your eyes are still out the window, hoping, searching for a sign, something. Anything to reassure you they care. Desperate you’re not easily discarded. A sling the memories meant something not just to you.
Quietly fading into your black hole.
You meet someone perfect in their own imperfection.

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