Seeking natural cure for Esteban's swollen adenoids

in health •  3 years ago 


I had intended to write some kind of uplifting Christmas post today but Esteban is in pain and it is hard as a parent to focus on anything except resolving the problem at hand. This particular problem is an old one but has escalated in recent weeks to the point where I realise I must take action immediately.

We cannot say with certainty if he has always been this way, but his nose seems blocked even after giving it a good blow and he speaks in a very nasal way. At night he sleeps with his mouth open (unless he is on his back) and is quite often disturbed by his own breathing, which is more like snoring if I'm going to be honest. He is prone to ear infections and in recent weeks it has become evident that one of his ears has limited hearing. In the last few days he has been experiencing pain in this same ear, which we have reluctantly been giving him paracetamol suppositories for. Last night he was up vomiting at 2am and while I am unsure if this is related, the overall situation is clearly not getting any better.

Traditional doctors were able to confirm recently that his adenoids are swollen.


Adenoids are a patch of tissue that is high up in the throat, just behind the nose. They, along with the tonsils, are part of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system clears away infection and keeps body fluids in balance. The adenoids and tonsils work by trapping germs coming in through the mouth and nose.

One week ago our (ex)doctor recommended the removal of his tonsils & adenoids while inserting some kind of mini tubes into his ears which permit the excess liquid to drain. Needless to say, such dramatic procedures do not in any way address the cause of the problem and come with a plethora of potential consequences & ultimately a higher likelihood of further infections. It would also mean he must prevent water from getting in his ears for the next three years by wearing ear plugs during bath or swimming time. Call me crazy but this just seems like a recipe for disaster and yes, we will not be needing that doctor again.

Doing some research yesterday (being sure to ignore the first 100 suggestions from google which all point to surgery as the only option) I see this condition is not entirely uncommon in children and very often it simply goes away when the get older. The suggested cause appears to be a food allergy. Or the lack of something in his diet. Both of which seem possible to me.

Reading further I see the tube responsible for the removal of liquid from the middle ear is called the Eustachian tube.


It seems clear to me now where the infection is and why liquid is getting stuck in there.


Turns out Eustachian Tube Dysfunction is not an uncommon thing at all and it is of course immediately resolvable with a simple solution.

This guy has a good vibe about him and I like the technique he suggests.

I can see a ton of happy customers under this video, some of whom are parents with children experiencing exactly the same issues as Esteban.

Last night Esteban & I did the massage together and the road to recovery is before us.

But with that said, I do still seek the wisdom of this community in confirming (or not!) I am on the right track here. Still have no idea what food he might be allergic to or what food I need to add to his diet to resolve this once and for all.

So, if you happen to know of anyone on this platform who may be able to offer advice, please tag them here and let's see what we can come up with together. Many thanks in advance for your time!

Esteban & I are sending our Love & Light 🌱


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Notice the adenoids are where they now like to shove a swab up there to take a sample for a pre-determined PCR fake result! There is also a whole complex of biomagnetites up in the same area - nobody knows why - and also one's sense of smell.

Throat chakra meditation can help, but has to be vocalised - he can pretend to be a Tibetan monk!

Good point with the swab observation. Hadn't thought of that.

I will look up throat mediation now and have a think about the best way to make it work for him. Thank you for this unique and often overlooked solution.

Ah, I can hear them waking up...

Need to go...

Merry Christmas!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Just to add that my kid has meditated since she was... oh... 4 years old - not with any regularity at that age - but she could feel the buzz, so was fun and interesting - still does it, tho different techniques.
So, just to say that it isn't an age thing, it's really about the approach - and helps here is a Buddhist country so the wider culture doesn't think it weird. ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Also, as a natural disinfection mouthwash I use a solution of salt, bicarb, teatree oil and one other essential oil that doesn't taste disgusting!!

Another great idea!

Thank you.

I'm glad to see you are here, having discovered you in the new feed. I appreciated some of your posts on the other chain that I left. I'm sorry that I find you with this post, as it is a horrible position to feel helpless when one we love is in need of help.

I too went through the whole ear issue thing, and among the many things my mother allowed doctors to do to me was having my tonsils out when I was 4.

It didn't help my ears much, having tubes in them several times in the coming years, and when I was around 10 one of my eardrums burst as well. So the whole tonsillectomy thing didn't help me a whole lot.

I have chronic sinus issues the last few decades that seem to grow progressively worse, especially in winter when heat is a necessity. I can't promise it will offer anything other than perhaps some temporary relief from congestion.

I use oregano oil that I place in capsules. The other night my lungs were hurting from the congestion and within 20 minutes or so of taking the capsule I felt relief. The best thing I've found for fighting off congestion sickness or dis-ease. Obviously I'm not a doctor, just a regular person experiencing regular things who has found this to be of immense help to myself.

Hello there! Long time no see. Good to see you are still going strong :)

It has been interesting to observe so many people leave hive over the last year, to end up in alternatives like this place. Am curious to know, what was your reason for leaving?

Very much appreciate you sharing your ear story. And very interesting to learn about oregano oil in capsules. Hadn't heard of this, so a quality oil is now on the shopping list. We are actually growing oregano (and it seems to be surviving the winter without any problem) but I've not yet looked into oil production. That too is on the list!

Thank you again for your wisdom and I look forward to interacting with you more here.

It has been interesting to observe so many people leave hive over the last year, to end up in alternatives like this place.

The flag downvote theft is a mechanism that they installed to sensor/censure users while redirecting the rewards from valid claims back into the pool to be largely redirected to them.

Here at Blurt there is a respect and love for one another, no flag nullifying valid claims from ones stake, and better yet there isn't the toxicity you see from power tripping whales who often use very denigrating language to pour salt in the wounds of those they are lifting the rewards from.

That's the short version. :)

Appreciate your short version ;)

Just wondering though, is there any technical difference here which will prevent flagging in the future if this place should continue to grow in popularity and the same downvoters should arrive to do what they do?

is there any technical difference here which will prevent flagging in the future if this place should continue to grow in popularity and the same downvoters should arrive to do what they do?

Yes, there is no option to downvote and the Blurt foundation will not be bowing to any pressure to install that option. So I doubt the downvoters will be arriving as they hold zero power here to censor/censure people and ideas they disagree with.

Blurt respects its users equally, and one proof of this is that unlike Hive, they didn't lift (steal) every post from Steem without the authors approval. It's laughable they push downvotes for stolen posts yet they are arguably the largest intellectual property thieves I've ever encountered, lol. I didn't mind mine, as I went there for a bit. But many authors didn't go with them and stayed on Steem, some of whom were also let known they weren't exactly welcome at Hive. Yet their work was lifted regardless.

The main site is down right now, but when it comes up I'll share a link on a post i wrote you may find interesting. It still holds the top spot on Google in many search strings.