RE: A disease without a cause is...

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A disease without a cause is...

in health •  3 years ago 

I imagine this will be hung onto the long-kovid narrative - I looked it up once and it had then 200 symptoms!! That's not a disease, that's the whole fuckin farmascam rolled into one death cult.

I find it hard to imagine the brain of the average homo simian - truly is a homo fidelis, and not much else. I am also not sure that the small % of functioning consciousnesses are enough. There comes a point when expedient obedience crosses over to believing the whole movie. Breaking out of step does not necessarily mean everyone has stopped marching, they're just marching to different beats - same as before. A relief, but not exactly a solution.

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I noticed that over a year and a half ago when my then employer had a list of symptoms one was asked for screening before the temperature check. It pretty much listed every base ailment one could have from a variety of sicknesses.

I laughed so hard some months ago when they were attacking star quarterback Aaron Rogers because of his anti injection stance. When he came down with Covid they swarmed him with joy.

To troll them, he brought up an injury in his toe that he actually has had for years. But he told the press he had "Covid Toe" and their dumb asses ran with the story as a major headline. Then he made fun of them for running with such a ridiculous story that such a thing as Covid Toe would even exist, lmao.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't know how low human intelligence can sink before it takes the whole body down with it. Such stories are hilariously frightening - need a term such as "gallows humour."

I hope you are well. You are one of the very few people who has had symptoms without losing your scepticism of "the narrative." I go back to one of the earliest Wuhan research papers; hidden in a supplement to an appendix is some alleged real data, and when I looked up the prevalent bacteria found two rather nasty strains that cause rather unpleasant pneumonia. Researchers just ignored this, I guess, instead latching on to a small strand of DNA, that still had an accession number, which means it wasn't new - this even after the Chinese had taken down the DNA database to then resurrect it with many accession numbers gone missing, necessarily so to then prove the "new" hypothesis.

I hope you are well.

Thank you. I still have much congestion, and my mind has a fog to it made worse when fatigue hits me, which is frequent. I believe some it has been exasperated by long hours at work and picking up an extra shift to cover the shift i lost. I came off 38 hours of work in 4 days yesterday and still not rested. I was going to write a post today but my mind is saying probably not a good idea.

You are one of the very few people who has had symptoms without losing your scepticism of "the narrative."

I have a strong sense of disdain for the medical community. Both because of atrocities they committed against me to aid my mother in fleecing my father because her scorched earth mentality wanted to destroy him for leaving her, no matter the cost. Her children were a great doorway in thanks to the courts being her arm of retribution.

Then I watched as the medical field robbed me of my father with their medications over the years, before he finally died from being septic. He had multiple doctor/specialist visits weekly and they allowed his body to grow that poison for months after his pacemaker surgery until it was to late.

Add in all the obvious lies they keep telling, the most obvious being that none of those demanding the harshest lockdown for their property citizens do any of the things they demand their property do (masks, social distancing etc).

Add in all their other corrupt shit and wham bam yeah a group of liars telling such blatantly obvious lies one knows they are lying because their mouth started moving again.

I really believe a lot of this is from EMF, and what a great cover to invent this new sickness where their tests can pick and choose if one has it, even if one is a piece of fruit. Although one need be careful, because if one does test fruit they might end up being assassinated.

I find it worth noting that the doctor who oversaw making sure there was an Aids epidemic is tied to this so closely as the public Godfather of Covid, and now we are seeing an upsurge in AIDS now they are saying.

Possibly renaming ADE Aids? Don't know, but I do know it's not healthy to trust these Nazis, and they are nazis.

Germany lost that war, the nazis not so much. Hitler was allowed to live a full natural life with his riches, their top doctor Frankenstein folks were imported to the west and given top national security clearances and lots of funding to continue on their inhumane experiments. Ones that continued to have unwilling human participants not only in third world countries, but using the so called intelligence agencies on folks at home without their consent or knowledge.

Yeah, their narrative is full of shit. It's so clear the important part to them is not curing anything, or stopping transmission of anything. It's about forcing that injection into every arm in the cattle they view themselves owners of.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have had 2 rather bizarre "symptoms" - but nothing close to any lung "infection" - but the linkage of those symptoms with the coronati scam is why I too am looking at EMFs - possibly amplified through chemicals such as GO. The symptoms did feel like an EMF attack. Picking transmission frequencies that are bang on the resonant freq of important molecules such as water and oxygen is just plain evil. I also don't understand why most of humanity is so deeply retarded - I always suspected, but this is now proof.

I'll have to look it up, can't recall where is data linking major global "epidemics" with the switching on of various frequencies - this goes all the way back to AC electricity, radio, radar, haarp, etc leading up to microwaves. The names we give such freq bands come from physics rather than biology (coz of course, "common sense" says that EMFs have no effect on living beings) so that freq in the same band may have very different effects, eg we now have UV sub A, B and C.

It looks like humans adapt, else would have been wiped out - just as organisms have adapted to cosmic microwaves - but that adaptation is not progress.

I can't recall at what point it dawned on me that doctors were on a par with car mechanics and lawyers. It always struck me that medicine was a strange degree in that so little actual scientific training takes place - they are not in any way scientists - unless they later choose that path.

That book I'm always on about, The Invisible Rainbow discusses global epidemics siting many reference papers to establish cause for each introduction. The volume of peer reviewed and other documented proof demonstrates they clearly are directing us away from the truth. He even has tied different instances of the bees disappearing to the new EMF introduction.

From his many citations, it appears that EMF is deadly for 10-15% quickly, another percentage long term and the majority if not directly close in proximity will not notice.

And yes, I agree on doctors, although it seems to me despite being much like you say even years ago they knew more back then. Now they instantly refer you to a "specialist" and tell you to pay the lady on the way out even though they were little more than a referrer, doing nothing to help other than saying

Yep, it does seem like you have a problem. I suggest you go see someone who might be able to help. That will be 150.00, pay the lady on the way out.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Right! I have it - I should really read it! When I first saw it, I just thought I know this field already from my own research - but there are always nuggets to find! :-) Thanks for the reminder.

Yeah, it's like doctors can't think beyond their wallet - vets too I'm discovering!! Tests, more tests, expensive and toxic meds, side effects are identical to the original symptoms (wtf!) - or worse.

Re EMF, "not noticing" doesn't mean it doesn't affect us. OK, I will read it! I think most humans are now weaker than, say, 200 years ago. It is then easy to blame "lifestyle" rather than "deathrays".

There is this huge area of research that just isn't being done coz there is no funding. I sometimes find things hidden in other subjects. EMF effects can be very subtle - just look at how the cells of an embryo cells suddenly migrate.

the part at 1 minute.
That's a field induced gastrulation.
So if the field is disturbed by external signals...

Re EMF, "not noticing" doesn't mean it doesn't affect us. OK, I will read it! I think most humans are now weaker than, say, 200 years ago. It is then easy to blame "lifestyle" rather than "deathrays".

I find it interesting you mention this. I don't believe we have to go back even that far. My grandfather and fathers generation appears to me to have been stronger even.

If you watch the older movies (back when there was actual acting) you would see men who weren't huge lifting and carrying men and women like it was nothing. Even in my prime when I could have been considered a professional athlete I could do it, but not with the apparent ease those men seemed capable of doing it with.

I remember as a young man, watching an older guy who was almost 50 carry a washing machine almost 3 city blocks without setting it down once. Someone gave it to him for free and he was going to fix it to resell. This guy was maybe 5'4" and 100 pounds. I was stunned, because you can bet your ass I would have set it down many times, or more likely found an easier way of moving it, lol.

Yes, please read that book. I would love to have hundreds of copies to shove in the faces of these scientards when they start their believe the science crap. There is so much documentation in that book the evidence is irrefutable.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Similar to me plugging Political Ponerology - read it years ago and is genuinely frightening - coz it was already happening under communism - now global.

Yeah, started reading it - he has a similar take on my perception - I keep telling people to look back, BIO-EMF studies go back to 18th Century! Famous argument between Volta and Galvani as to whether the soul itself was an EMF phenomenon! (book doesnt mention that yet)

Suddenly... it stops! where did all the bio-emf research go!?
It was obvious then that electricity could be used to both heal and cause illness - depended on the protocol - and yet there was no real research for that next step - the protocols of frequencies.