No fight, no flight, just freezing

in health •  3 years ago 

A pandemic of the vaccinated

And to keep the REAL pandemic going, we must have vaccine mandates and passports and crackdowns on the unvaccinated

Newspeak - Medspeak - Fakespeak:

‘What we’re starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who’ve been vaccinated but not boosted’

Can you spot the new con?

"vaxd" but not "boosted".

We are now in the stage where the vaxd are the carriers - not of a virus that hasn't done anything - but of the alleged spike proteins in the jabs, and hence manifest the symptoms of the jab. This was always going to be the case.

I have said many times that we are not even in the realm of science - this is pure logic... if one has the ability to think about it. But, as we also know, logic is emasculated in the face of beliefs.

If you are a chicken, do you truly believe that the chicken farmer is your friend and saviour?

“But it all makes absolutely no sense because official Public Health data shows that over the past three months… two-thirds of Covid-19 hospitalisations [people who get very sick from the shot] have been among the fully vaccinated, and a frightening 91% of Covid-19 deaths [people who die from the shot] have been among the fully vaccinated, and projections shows things are about to get a lot worse.”

That's in Scotland. What about your country?

It is impossible to know you're in a trance when you're in it. Only after snapping out of it can you tell the difference.

What about dreams? Can you lucid dream? Can you tell the difference between a lucid dream and and a lucid wakefulness? Do you hold the same beliefs in your dreams?

It's all about perceptions.

No fight, no flight, just freezing... to death.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

waiting for the day the Hive Witnesses who are pro vax stop processing updates and go offline with no explanation... After all the reticule I got for objectively questioning the vaccine, I will be commenting on such things.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The dead can't blog - although a witness server could chug along for ages, until a HF comes along.

The reality - and any real research - has been pushed into ghettos, while the straw men huddle together for comfort.

I'm still reading the literature from the 1920-1950s - the parallels are horrific - even my kid can see it now.

It's all about probabilities, so the smug jabbed can feel safe - until they can't. Then it's too late, but their family will still believe that the virus did it. Info from private labs shows maybe 5-10% of the jabs are active - do the maths. It will also depend on countries. The thing is, even govscum are not allowed to test the vaxs, like in a normal humane society - just to check they haven't filled it with tea or soya sauce.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There is some guy in the UK or Europe offering millions of dollars to anyone who can prove covid exists lol waiting for the game show with warnings before the show begins

"The views express in this show are not that of the publisher and may lead to the spread of coronavirus, please maintain social distance while enjoying the show"

Normalized double think to the point we cant even speak in the public forum without a needle in our arm to prove we are injecting the latest medicine of the autocrats choice.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That is a subtle point - the existence and isolation of the alleged virus.
There is a branch of virology that is not tainted by the medical cartels :-)
Those scientists do not use the medical process for isolation because it contaminates the virus!
This is why you get the current doublespeak.
The alleged virus has been "isolated" only using the growth media accepted in the mediscam. At the same time, every gov that has bothered to reply to various FOA requests, have admitted that no such virus has been "isolated" using any other method - methods known and used by environmental virologists who demand untainted viruses - otherwise they have no idea what is actually out in the wild.

It is a different rabbithole to go down and haven't seen much said on this. Just two years of lies.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Mike Adams has been waiting this entire time for the government to approve his sample of the virus not from a lab. Key word "not" because all of the samples with SARS are man made which means it was not from nature as they claim, which causes the narrative to dissolve.

I wonder why lie they would tell if all the CDC and Wuhan Virology Lab documents were leaks via something like wikileaks.

Just yesterday I found out that Alan Dershowitz is now representing Julian Assange which really makes me suspicious of Assange being a double agent or controlled opposition for those who want to get rid of free speech.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Everyone should have the proper unadulterated truth about the composition of the vaccine and the pros or cons before expressing their choice.
If you choose to fight the virus with your natural immune system it is not a problem for the person who took already 3 or many more doses of a vaccine to come. The pharmaceutical companies never guaranty the complete cure and always find a way to change the condition of the deal contract with their product.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Right, so even without any scientific background, the deliberate withholding of info, and the refusal to be allowed to even test samples of the jab-fluid, how can a govscum guarantee the efficacy and safety of something they are not allowed to know or test for?

So-called vaxes have always been no-liability products but now one is not allowed to even test what's in them.

Is that not a scam?
The rhetorical question is aimed at the still-believers, not you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hey you. hehehe
i'm only coming quickly to say hi!
not sure if you remember me hahahaha but we had met and talked from the Steem days. I can't find our old DM on discord!!! but i'm sure its there !!! but now i'm thinking you were under a different name... racking my brain now ;)

maybe you'll give me a hint hehee

i'll be back - and now i'm following you! But I want to ask you for some insight for a project I founded. Will tell more much later - but would LOVE for you to poke some holes into it and help make it better! hehehe

I won't drop links and that sort - but I'll be in touch! no rush!!! it will all happen in its time, i'm sure! hehee

nice to see you :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, of course :-)
There were omens of your imminent arrival.

I can still see you on discord - unless it is a vestigial account now.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hahahay you found me! I typed in your name and it didn't... ohhhhhhh i think i typed it in the wrong place :)

omens??? hahahaha
thats interesting!! i hope they were good ones! hahahaha

glad we connected :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Boss @rycharde get vaccinated it will save you. This conspiracy theories already killed many people because it is heavily politicized plus some groups of people who have no science background tackles it for their own entertainment to gain whatever their selfish agendas are.

Meanwhile in our country the cases are going down because people wants to have it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

you mean the conspiracy theories the government spreads?

I am from Poland and in my country over 100,000 confirmed deaths have been caused not by covid but by lockdown and vaccination. this is not a conspiracy theory but a fact. There are several official independent investigative commissions consisting of medical scientists and lawyers investigating the matter, including the so-called Nuremberg 2.0 established by one of the current MPs. In my country, there is simply a large social stratification caused by many years of communism and distrust deliberately spreading by politicians, which so far has not allowed people to unite and put forward a strong front that would dispel all the hoaxes related to what is called a pandemic. But in my opinion it is only a matter of time.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Let us hope the judges don't kick this into a future where the tyranny is total.

Are any other of the former Warsaw Pact countries kicking back?
Are there enough people who can truly remember Soviet rule?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

well, in poland we have "situation" on border Belarus, with imigrants now if you know what im saying. It is looks like someon want to start a full conflict to destabilise country ore perhaps find a way to kill Aleksander Łukaszenko who publictly admitt that globalists wanted to bribe him twice to make a pandemic in Belarus and he refused.. So you know..

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Are any other of the former Warsaw Pact countries kicking back?
Are there enough people who can truly remember Soviet rule?

well in Poland there is something about 60 % of people vaccinated and list of another people willing to get shots are really short now so i think that the re is a lot of people who remeber. Also i can say thhat from those 60% maybe 5 or even 10% probably buyed the certifficate on black market. Even mainstream media seames to started publishing news in tone that is really really wrong that people don't want to taking vaxes. And they spread fear that 99% of unvaccinated dying and stufs like that but this is obvious lies because im cooperating with two anti covid hoax organisations for example @plsilajaworzno where basicaly all members are unvaxinated and all peaople and their families are helthy.

And About sick people.
@plsilajaworzno they created series of interviews with people who was sick on covid 19 and used amantadine. Even if they suffered a lot and it was difficult case, they fast healed themselve with amantadine curration.

So its prove that even if covid is verry dangerous there is fast safe and cheap way to cure that.

I cannot say how is about other countries for sure but i know that Czechs and Slovaks are also fighting hard.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Are you saying that governments around the world democratic, communists, and all had agreed to each other to kill and or maim the population worse than all the deaths of all the wars in human history times a hundred because we are talking of about 2/3 of seven billion people here for any of their reasons whatsoever is just pure nuts nutter than the coconut brain of fake news conspiracy theorists in youtube and facebook groups and all.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yes when finally you accept this posibility and start checking what alternative siencists experts and other experts are saying, it will be for you like a red pill in matrix movie. You start understand why it can be truth and that acctualy no mater how ridicculous and irracional it sounds, it can be true and probably it is true.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

For all I know @khrom that CoViD cases here in my country is getting lower because people accepts to get vaccinated which is better than refusing the vaccine then get sick of the CoViD or worse, die from it.

My brother got sick of the CoViD, he required an oxygen treatment, thankfully he recovered then two weeks later he got vaccinated which gave us all a peace of mind now.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

No, he required amantadine treatment not the next stress on the immune system and the body. I wish you and him well but unfortunatelly one thing i can say that this peace of mind is just an illusion and i hope so that my words will never be a prophecy for you. but i have advice . If the next time your get this desease try amantadine first before you go to doctor.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Now, tell me how the PCR test works.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sir, I do not know how it works, what I know is that it is a fast way to detect CoViD, we do not have to understand it because the fact that it is approved by health authorities who had the license and specialty to deal with this kind of crises is enough for us to seek their advice which are based on science. 😊

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

On sience... LOL

Please Watch this.

This is opinion from one of the main doctors in the Deutschland. He was member of commission who investigate and prove that so called swine flue was a hoax

He also explain why tests are inadequate for this situation and cannot be used to testing people to prove if they sick or no.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

you are so deeply wrong that you don't know it.
Indeed, you just admitted you don't know - you merely believe - who do you believe? Authorities.
Which means you have no tools at all to differentiate truth from lies - do you?
How could you even tell a lie?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If I would choose to believe I would pick the ones that have a high degree of education and knowledge like the doctors and scientists. While ConTheorists just spreads out confusion and damage.

Medicine I know is not an exact science which is why they call doctors practitioners too like a general practitioner doctor in particular, they practice and practice until they become specialist and still complications happen that could very well lead to dead or permanent damage.

It doesn't mean that if they would make a mistake practicing their profession we will crucify them in a heartbeat, if it will be the case then no doctor will ever do a delicate procedure that can fix a person.

Some people may react differently to the vaccine but what about the others whose lives are protected by the same vaccine? Vaccines does work, some people react to it in a tragic way, some in worse, but for the majority it is a life-saver if not a pocket saver butt it is not a magic bullet because medicine is not exact science. 😉

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dr Wolfgang wodarg (this is this guy from link i share in coment above)

From wikipedia:
Born and raised in the town Itzehoe in Schleswig-Holstein, in 1966 Wodarg went, after his secondary school exams, on to study in medicine in Berlin and Hamburg. He got his physician's licence in 1973, and in 1974 he received his Dr. med. doctorate degree from the University of Hamburg with a dissertation on the Mental Diseases of Seafarers – a study of suicide, alcoholism and other major psychiatric disorders. He subsequently began work as a ship's doctor, and following a research trip to South Africa he began in the position of port doctor in Hamburg. Since 1983 he has held the position of Amtsarzt at the health department of Flensburg, of which he became director in the same decade.[3] Wolfgang Wodarg is a lecturer at the University of Flensburg.

if this is a:

"just" ConTheorists spreads out confusion and damage.
some groups of people who have no science background tackles

then i have nothing to add.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, there are many scientists and doctors - they fear for their safety and some are in digital ghettos - it is a genuine shock to many that they have been forced to do the very opposite of their profession. It is to their eternal shame that so many others either don't see it or are active participants in the genocide.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We cannot discount his opinion, he might have points to assert but the majority of health experts agrees about the vaccine and its crucial role to put a brake about the spread of the virus and its mutations.

I believe that the virus is here to stay which will require us to get booster shots maybe twice a year because it is a virus and it is not even a living thing.🙁

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Believe nothing.
Try it.
Perceive what it feels like to believe nothing.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Are you aware that this ISN'T a vax?
Go look it up.

The INVENTOR of the mRNA technique has been having an OMFG crisis about how even he was conned.

You recite your role like a good prole.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I got the Pfizer vaccine or gene modification or whatever it is … 2 doses so far ….

If I die , I die …. I had a very good life. I will continue to have a good life for as long as I can.

The End.

Everyone should have Free Choice. I believe in Free Speech.

So I am speaking Freely here on Blurt, but nowhere else.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Where is there freedom of choice?
I don't see any.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Only on Blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Only on Blurt are you allowed to be Pro-vaccine or Anti-vaccine …. Nowhere else.

Every place else is censored.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Not interested in getting pricked, would rather live than be afraid of living, freedom of choice and all. Still alive with no needle being jabbed in me.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The knowledge that I once gained in college is now in vain. Has that knowledge changed?

What I understand is that if a person has ever been exposed to a disease caused by a virus, such as smallpox, polio, and covid, of course, then he or she already has immunity against that disease again in the future.

So, why should he receive the vaccine again? And our government insists, all citizens must be vaccinated! Without exception.

If he does not want to be vaccinated, then he is not allowed to travel anywhere. Even just going to the mall is not allowed. Huh!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think reality is very different. That simple picture of "virus as pathogen" would have been abandoned decades ago had pharmascum not weaponised the idea and spread both the propaganda and the death-drugs.

Just a few things that seriously test that simple picture: our DNA contains strands of viral code (why? where from?); our body produces endogenous viruses (why?) as well as the very similar exosomes. Viruses are the most abundant micro-organism on the planet! This has only come to light in recent decades as we have the equipment to test samples. They are not monsters waiting to attack you - they are everywhere. It would be like blaming the sea for drowning people. Lots more info...

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

It's not about health , but about control and the "great reset" .
Having to get permission to travel , or even be able to have a job , true proof of fully vacced and boosted against a not even very deadly sickness ?

Looks to me that we are heading for some sick dystopian dictatorial future .
Vacced or unvacced , it is a free choice , i respect that ,... your body , your responsibility , your choice . No one can force you , to take it or not . I do not take the shot's ,.. my choice my freedom . I see governments lie , why should i trust them . peaceful anarchy is my way .
I do not judge the vacced or boosted ones , they are living there chosen freedom , there is no need to blame them of anything , as long as they respect my chosen freedom .
If the darkest deep dive story's become half true , i will feel sad over the ones that are gone ten years from now ,.. might even be fighting a civil war by then to revenge the genocide done by global communist powers . ;-)

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Your post really informative post. And it's most important to know all kinds of people that vaccine importance. Not only it saves life but also it help other works as like passport that means Goa fruit any person for his or her business or job work.

And according to your content we should feel about our death and if we e mind it all time, we never called aur fight other persons. Because we can't avoid death reality.