Desmet Interviewed - Can You Hypnotise a Machine?

in health •  3 years ago 

What are the conditions in any society that will cause a people to willingly sacrifice their freedoms? Mattias Desmet has studied and lectured extensively on this phenomenon. He is a professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University has and holds a masters degree in statistics. After noticing some anomalies in the statistical analyses conducted during the pandemic, he became concerned by the consensus narrative. He joined me today to discuss his expertise in a phenomenon called ‘mass formation’, a type of collective hypnosis essential for the rise of totalitarian regimes. He provides the step by step formula for this collective psychosis to take hold and how this relates to our current situation. He cautions against the dangers of our current societal landscape and offers solutions both individually and collectively to prevent the willing sacrifice of our freedoms.

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Good interview, with some clarity. However, like so many theories, it doesn't wholly explain those who have not been entranced. This question was raised but not answered, instead Desmet does mention that, using gross measures, there may be 25% of people who can see what is going on and disagree with it. If, and this is a big IF, they can communicate and collaborate, then they may be large enough to disrupt the mass psychosis.

The assumption here is that society is broadly split along three groups with percentages of approximately 35-40-25; with 35% mentally entranced, 40% behaviorally compliant and 25% awake. This latter number seems high, but their silence may make it seem lower.

Because the future is bleak. Totalitarianism grows like a monster to then devour everything, including their own kind, and the real atrocities take place after control has been achieved. This has been studied and verified by others; the genocides start when there is nobody left to stop them.

Desmet says, as I have often said, that the core problem stems from a mechanistic view of the universe and of humans. The core problem is the trans(sub)humanist agenda that humans can be fixed like robots, and if they can't then we shall turn humans into androids and fix those. Before this current mass formation psychosis was the mass hypnosis that believes this inhuman narrative - and the dreadful psychological consequences that come from such beliefs. And the reason for such unfounded beliefs stems from a society that has steered most humans away from their full abilities. And such societal navigators are the very same people at the apex of this technocracy.

I disagree with the "parallel structures" solution. You see this a lot now, from quoting Vaclav Havel to the similar recent video on a sick society; you also see this in dystopias, from the Matrix through to classics such as 1984 and Brave New World - they all have some class of outsiders. That's like forming ghettos; and what then happens to such places?

What if there is no outside? To retreat into a shell to then await execution doesn't sound like any kind of solution. This is what they want: a new ghetto for you. The formation of sanctuaries should not just be with the aim of creating more sanctuaries, but to find ways of healing the whole planet.

I take no solace from the defeat of fascism, nor the fall of the USSR as examples that tyrannies eventually collapse - just remember that the CCP still exists - 100 years and counting.

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Appreciate the breakdown. I'm not much of one to watch videos, but this one looks interesting enough I'm bookmarking it for some future time I might have a spare hour and a half to watch.

I recently commented elsewhere that I saw it posited that many people have no internal dialogue. If true (I haven't formed an opinion yet, despite my current knowledge base telling me no way, lol) it would possibly explain why there are so many NPC folks surrounding us.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't mind long interviews as can just listen - no need to actually look at it!

I think you know my thoughts on this. Another manifestation of our internal "belief function" - I think the most dangerous function the mind has, as it means the belief-structure is accepted as truth without any counter-experiences - the only experiences create positive feedback, eg others believe the same.

Major internal transformations require a lot of energy that the brain would rather not use - it uses up such a large amount of energy per mass anyway. Even if the resulting state of mind is actually more efficient and is able to master even more energy, there is an energy input first, something most minds seem unable to do. Just like a chemical reaction or even neurons firing, you need to increase the potential energy first, then shit happens!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Why can't everybody do this? I must assume everybody can do it, or could, but why don't they? This isn't about rational intelligence - although, tbh, this was the approach I used, using the rational mind to dismantle itself, so it can also be done this way; it was hard work at times. But the impetus for this must have come from elsewhere - which is why my suspicion is that some people have had some transcendental experience that they did not ignore, but rather served as the starting point to dis-believe the prevailing beliefs.

Still a work in progress this last step.

Is really not very different to Dabrowski's positive disintegration - altho coming to it independently.