A Lot of False Positives

in health •  3 years ago 

Oh dear, is the truth seeping out?

Jurgen Klopp says Liverpool Covid outbreak was 'a lot of false positives'

Jurgen Klopp says a Covid [fake] outbreak that led to the postponement of Liverpool's Carabao Cup semi-final first leg at Arsenal had "a lot of false positives".

The Reds said a "severe [fake] outbreak" at the club meant they could not field a team against the Gunners.

However, Klopp says defender Trent Alexander-Arnold is the only player to actually test positive.
[What does that mean, exactly?]

Anyone with a false positive result was still unavailable for Sunday's FA Cup third-round tie against Shrewsbury.

So... even after proving they were fake results, those players had to obey the rules as if they were really infected by a really real virus.

Results can now be influenced by medical scammers and tyrants.

How much more bullshit will sport corporations swallow?

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Here in the US the CDC has changed the isolation time drastically for those who've been injected. Complaints are coming out of hospitals now from the staff they they are being forced to work while still testing positive due to the shortages from the release of all non injected staff coupled with the many nurses who quit to become travel nurses now that the pay shot up astronomically to accommodate the shortage they forced to be much worse.

So now a person can't be examined by a non injected qualified nurse/doctor, but its ok for a nurse or doctor who is testing positive to examine you.

You just can't make this shit up.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

But, they ARE just making this shit up.

The five day quarantine is only for the jabbed? The unjabbed still have to do ten?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Each country has their own "rules". More proof - if more was needed - that there is no science, just tyrants talking shit.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Also, the words used are total shit.
eg if you die 2 days after being pricked, you are not a vaxd-corpse coz you're only counted a "fully vaxd" some 21 days later - or whatever the bullshit is.
The important thing is the total abuse of language.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That's a good point. In the US, if you die of any cause within 28 days of a positive test, you are counted as a covid death. If you die by seizure or heart attack within hours of a vaccine, you are not counted as a vaccine death.

Pretty amazing really. What is wrong with everyone? I mean, I know they've been psychologically tampered with somehow, but why did you and I escape?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Precisely the question I've been prodding around!!
Not sure.
I have a tentative theory.
It strikes me that the un-entranced have some deeper sense of self, possibly due to some transcendental experience at some point.
Thus their sense of self is not wedded to some social structure.
I'm also not sure if being anti-scam counts as one category - I see many on forums believe in some divine intervention or retribution, thus making them entranced within a different belief-structure. If this was a theocracy instead of a technocracy, would they be on the other side?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Maybe it's because of a lackof transcendental experience.
I believe that any entrancement with a source of information from outside the self renders one vulnerable to being easily misled. This goes for any spiritual practice that depends on another's understanding of enlightenment. Whenever we put our well being into the hands of another, we erode our own strength of conviction in ourselves.
I see so many people who practice this or that, people I used to look up to, now utterly consumed by this con job, unable to think for themselves. They are nearly all either religious or devoted to some other source - political parties for instance, especially if "liberal".
Cognitive dissonance has faded to a distant hum in those who believe that right and wrong is something someone else has to outline for them.
Lucky me, I never fell for any of that crap, and now here I am, a joyful outcast.

But, they ARE just making this shit up.

Yes, and then implementing it and folks are going along. That's what I mean (and I assume most who use that saying). One would not expect this to be happening outside of a make believe story. To have so many going along, refusing the proof in front of them as they are fed obvious untruths.

I used to be a writer, and never in a million years would I have thought of pitching a story such as this, implying so many would not only roll over but go further and actively be a part of pushing the obvious lies and loss of freedoms.

If someone would have told me 5 years ago this would happen, I would have laughed at them. My estimation of the masses, which already wasn't very high, dipped lower than I could have ever imagined.

The proposition that I'm this close to being classified as a criminal and terrorist and forced from society before possibly being rounded up as a danger to the public is very sobering. To see some within my very small circles parroting some of this has been eye opening.

Understanding all of this, hard choices have already needed to be made. Such as if I wake up one day and now I'm a criminal because I don't want that lethal injection I must then live like a criminal for as long as I can. That comes with many implications of which I shall not be typing here.

Yeah, I couldn't make this shit up because I never imagined to see this in action, especially with the powers who control the world so openly tipping their hands as we watch most countries all fall in lock step with the narratives of lying towards this one goal.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Something inhuman is at work, and humans are falling one after the other. We will prevail, but it's going to get very ugly, much uglier that it is already. That inhuman force is losing, is like a cornered animal, tasting defeat and very dangerous.

My own family, my siblings and their spouses and kids, would be happy to see me locked up as either criminal or crazy.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You just can't make this shit up.

I HAVE been trying for over 5 years now...
As a fiction writer : /

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Suddenly … with these new home rapid tests that everyone picked up for free at the LCBO Liquor Store here in Ontario … everyone who takes the test has Covid. Suddenly, everyone I know (except me) has Covid. Why ? I never took the Test.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That's the real problem. The more people take the test, the more cases we will have. I never used the test as well. So, I never had covid, the same about my family. If more of us ignore the test, life will be better. But people are crazy and that's why they keep testing themselves from something that may even not exist. I think covid is just a chemical reaction from those airplains around the world. They keep spreading that shit in the sky and people don't want even to look up. Even after the big hint they all get and that's the famous movie now ''Don't look up !".

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I did a post 3 years ago about how bad the recycled air is on an airplane. It’s as dry as the Sahara desert. This is where viruses go to live. Dry air.

Like the air in your house in winter. If one person has a soar throat, cold, flu on a plane almost everyone catches this virus. You are all breathing the same air for hours …. If your immune system is strong you can fight it off. The key is to have a strong immune system. Eat good food, get lots of Vitamin C, lots of exercise and lots of sleep. Avoid airplanes …. That’s all.

Dry Air and the Spread of Viruses

Viruses are more likely to spread when your air is too dry and studies show that your home’s Relative Humidity (the amount of water vapor present in the air) can strongly influence how viruses spread while indoors. It’s true, in low-humidity (dry) environments, your immune system defenses will be lowered and therefore, will cause you to be more susceptible to viruses and other illnesses.

Overall, to help prevent the proliferation of viruses, it’s important to keep your home’s humidity between 30-60 percent. Doing this will help you combat the harmful impact of dry air and ensure your family is safe at home this winter.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You know, that brings up a question. I know very few people who get tested, except for home tests that don't get reported. So where are these numbers coming from? Only people in hospitals or schools, and their families. To end the plandemic, remove your children from the schools, and stop going to doctors.

Yeah! You're exactly right sir!
Keep calm and just say no.
Drama is running on over the governments to imply the Covid19 rules.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Exactly, It is a great post , which was recorded by you.

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