10 Simple Ways to Lose Your Common Sense

in health •  2 years ago 

As we get older, it can be harder and harder to remember the basics of common sense. Whether you're forgetting to lock your car or leaving valuables in plain sight, sometimes it's hard to break old habits. But don't worry - there are plenty of ways to keep your common sense intact, no matter how old you get.

How common sense can help you lose weight

Common sense can be a powerful tool when it comes to losing weight. Here are a few simple tips that can help you lose weight without having to resort to drastic measures:

  1. Stop eating out as much. Eating out often leads to overeating and weight gain because it's hard to control the amount of calories you're consuming. Instead, make at home meals or snacks that you can take with you on the go.

  2. Cut down on your sugar intake. Sugar is one of the most damaging types of foods when it comes to gaining weight. It spikes your blood sugar levels quickly and then makes you feel bad about yourself afterwards. Try to limit your sugar intake to only small amounts throughout the day instead of bingeing on sweets once or twice a week.

  3. Stick to a regular exercise schedule. Exercise not only helps burn calories, but it also improves your mood and reduces stress levels which can lead to weight gain in other areas of your life, like eating habits. If working out is difficult for you, try joining a beginner yoga class or Pilates class instead so that you can still see improvements in your health while staying within your calorie limits!

10 ways to lose your common sense

  1. Ignore your common sense.
  2. Take risks without thinking about the consequences.
  3. Overreact to trivial matters.
  4. Let emotions get the best of you.
  5. Let your ego get in the way of making sound decisions.
  6. Be too busy to think straight.
  7. Fail to take breaks and refresh your brain often.
  8. Ignore warning signs that something is wrong or dangerous."


It can be easy to lose your common sense when you're tempted by something that's bad for you. But remember, there are always simple ways to avoid trouble and stay safe. Follow these 10 tips, and you'll be on your way to a healthy life full of common sense.

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It’s even harder to remember.