in health •  2 years ago 

Philipo corona.jpg


I like the Corona. This could sound shocking. Corona is a Latin word that means crown. In German it is called Krone. In the Scriptures, Paul spoke about the crown which the Lord will give him and all the righteous on the last day (2 Tim 4:8). In the Book of revelation, we are told about a woman with a crown of twelve stars on her head (Rev 12:1) and the crown of gold (Rev 18:4). It is because of this crown that St. Paul said that he treats his body hard and subjugates it (1 Cor. 9:27).
Although corona means crown (which is something good), this name has been profoundly tainted by its association with a ravaging virus currently sweeping through various countries of the earth. It has brought the great powers to their knees, quarantined millions, shut down airports, restricted global movements and sent unimaginable shock waves through many countries. The end is not yet in sight.

A lesson the corona virus pandemic has taught us is that no one or nation is almighty and invincible. The great powers of Europe, America and Asia are on their knees; in the language of Prophet Jeremiah, “smitten with a very heavy blow” (Jer. 14:17). Super powers are scrambling for safety and almost bereft of solutions. One of the lessons, I would like us to draw is that no person is all-knowing. One of the dangers of success is to look down on others. We see this trait clearly in the character of Okonkwo in many instances in the book “Things Fall Apart” which led Obierika once to advice Okonkwo “those palm kernel has been cracked by benevolent spirit must learn to be humble.
There are many other aspects where we do not know. The hallmark of a wise person is simplicity and humility. Corona virus has shown us that the rich also cry. Everybody is vulnerable.
The corona virus has led to the shutting down of entire countries and wide range of social activities. The sports world is down. Pubs, bars, motels, hotels, party halls in various countries are mandatorily closed. A German friend paged me on the social media and in our discussion in this context he exclaimed “was ist noch zu genießen? Was bleibt noch? (what is left to enjoy and what is left). We have not come to this point of total lock down of countries and religion but we share the feelings and experiences of brothers, sisters and friends in this situation. For some people, football became their god, parties became their god, social activities gradually became their god. Some people never imagined a life without traffic grickdlock on the streets of New York, Los Angeles, Frankfurt, etc. Corona virus has painfully taught humanity that there is something in life more than economics, entertainment, etc. Some are getting depressed sitting at home while others are realizing that there should be something deeper in life.
Finally, very pertinent for house keep. To live and remain ignorant of events around us is to live in bondage; To be aware of wrong and not to speak against it, is itself evil; To be aware of how to improve our present pandemic situation and fail to do so is more than living a worthless life.
Quid quid unum, Quid quid bonum, Quid quid verum, Quid quid pulchrum laude dignum est “Whatever is one, whatever is good whatever is true, whatever is beautiful is worthy of praise”. @bestkizito

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