Treating my skin infection with natural remedies

in health •  3 years ago 

Since the last couple of months, I have been getting some sort of skin allergy, when it initially started, I thought it was some temporary rash and I did not bother much, but then gradually I observed that it was getting more and more. There was constant itchiness and redness, the infection was spreading out. It was happening on my arm, and was making me feel very uncomfortable wearing sleeveless clothes.
I have never had any food allergies nor any such kind of an issue before, so initially it did not strike me that some foods could be causing this to me.


At the same time, I was not able to identify the problem also. I thought of visiting the dermatologist and she got some infection test done, in which it came out that it was a fungal infection. The one I developed is Tinea Cruris. After a month or so when it was not settling down, I also got my gut infection test done, which came out pretty much clear, so that was a relief for me. The Doctor advised me some medications and mentioned that it should settle down in a week to 10 days' time.

This is how my skin looked when it had infection, this is a little better after a few days of treatment, else it was scary looking at it. You will see how there have been wrinkles also formed and it looks like aged up.

I am first of all the type of person who does not want to take any medication. So, I took the external application lotion as prescribed by the Doctor and avoided the pills' part. After doing some research on my own I could understand that in this particular problem the skin needs to be kept dry as much as possible. From that time, I started keeping that part of my skin open.

These are the remedies that I kept doing at home and within a month's time I could see the infection almost gone and skin getting back to normal. Thank goodness I did not get on to the medication, because I read up on the effects of it and they were not very good for the liver. This is how the pharma works, you cure one thing and you mess up something else, so you are never cured. Sometimes the solutions of our problems are very simple, all we may need is some patience and efforts.

  • The first remedy I did was to keep applying lot of Aloe vera gel, this has been one of the most beneficial. That part of the body had to be kept as cool as possible and Aloe vera helped a lot in that.
  • The second was, every day before bath I would apply a mixture of Turmeric, Coconut oil, Lime drops. I would apply this paste and keep it for 45 mins to an hour before my bath. This helped me in taking care of the dark spot that had developed due to the constant itching.
  • My Ayurvedic doctor gave me one ointment which is made of garlic and herbs and this was specifically to take care of the spreading fungal infection.

All of this together treated on the infection helped me a lot. The Doctor had told me that it would take 5 to 6 months minimum for the dark spot to get back to normal skin but here within 2 months' time I have managed to get rid of the infection and the dark spot.

After a month's time it got to this stage. You will see the vast difference and it has become so much better

And this is what it is now 2 months down the line. You will see the healing which is as good as 100% now and I am feeling good again getting back to sleeveless :-)

I will still have to continue with these applications for some time just on the safer side to not develop it again.

The Ayurvedic ointment that I used to treat the infection

I could treat the infection, but I also wanted to find out the cause for it. I started carefully observing my body reactions on different types of diet and eventually I could figure out that Citrus has been causing this issue for me. I have never been allergic to Citrus, but suddenly this has come up now. Or possibly in the last one year I have had excess intake of it for the sake of Vitamin C and that could have triggered this condition. As of now I have cut off on it and when I am healed completely, I will check it out again on the reaction. Also, the bitter gourd juice has been helping me a lot, since it's good for blood purification.

If you have faith in Natural therapies, they will work wonders and heal us, but sometimes they take a long time and for that one needs patience.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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