The Anatomy of the Spiritual Body - Chakra System - Part 1

in health •  4 years ago 

Our human body is comprised of different layers of Energy, which is the physical, mental, emotional, etheric and spiritual. We can see, touch and feel our physical body, but we cannot see and touch our other bodies, we can only feel them and that too if we get conscious enough to understand our other layers of energy. To live a wholesome life, it is important that all these energies are in perfect harmony and balance. All these layers of energy are interconnected and imbalance in anyone will cause problems in the other layers as well. Just for e.g. when there is a physical problem, mentally we feel disturbed, emotionally we feel drained out, which impacts our etheric field, our Aura and all of this will impact our Spiritual body. Nothing functions in isolation.
Today I want to talk about the Chakra system which are the Energy vortex in our physical body and they also extend in our Etheric as well as Spiritual body. They are also called as Energy centers.

There are a total of 13 Energy centers, of which 7 in the physical body and 6 within our individual consciousness. The Chakras are not some physical body parts, they are the spinning vortex that lines up from the top of the head running through the spine till the base of the spine in the perineum, they whirl in a circular motion which forms a vacuum in the center and draws anything it encounters at its own vibratory level. As the word Chakra itself means Wheel. At the base of the spine below the Root Chakra is the Kundalini which is the divine feminine energy, and if awakened gives the ultimate life experiences, in terms of awakening the consciousness.

Coming back to the Chakras; Each of the Chakra is connected with main organs of our physical body. This is how the Energy Healers also work. When they do healing, they tap into the energy field of the respective Chakra and heal and balance the Chakra to heal that particular part of the body. No one Chakra functions by itself, they are all interconnected. The one important thing we need to understand is that an over active Chakra is also not good, the key to a perfect life is the Chakra in balance.

Let me share with you all these 7 Chakras in brief with giving an understanding of what is their significance and the location in the physical body. This subject is vast, I will only be giving a brief overview for each of the Chakras.
In general, all the Chakras are connected to a Natural element, to a Zodiac sign, to the planets, to gem stones, to body parts. They have a specific color and sound. Chanting specific sounds for each chakra is also one way of healing the Chakra by self.

  • Root Chakra - This is located at the base of the spine and is all about our material world security, which means our base of life and also connected to our Grounding. If this Chakra is over active, one may display a behavior of greediness, dissatisfaction. if this is under active it will display lack of material things, poverty, victim. At a physical level it is connected to body parts kidney, prostate, bladder, reproductive organs and will give health issues like lower back pain, constipation, poor immunity.
    As the name goes Root, it means our roots in this world. How balance this chakra is will show in the overall quality of our material life. At an emotional level it will show behaviors of Possessiveness, Fear, Anger, Jealousy, Greed, Unstable Parent, Independence.
    When this Chakra is balanced, overall, we will see the person more satisfied and stable in life with whatever he or she has. If someone is poor it does not mean this Chakra is out of balance, it is about dissatisfaction and discontentment. So, one can be poor and yet be happy and one may be rich and yet be dissatisfied in life.
    The color of this Chakra is Red, it is a 4 petal Chakra.


  • Sacral Chakra - This Chakra is located a little below the navel. This is all about Understanding, Intimacy, Creativity, Relationships. When this Chakra is over active the person can be manipulative, controlling, lustful, drawn in addictions. When it is under active then you will find that person very timid, always dependent, martyr and submissive. At a physical level it connects with reproductive organs, large intestine and legs and can give health issues like Spine problems, digestion issues, bladder issues, sexual dysfunction.
    At emotional level, this Chakra impacts our confidence, pleasures of life, sense of abundance and our wellbeing. The balance in this Chakra gives us a sense of self value


  • Solar Plexus Chakra - This Chakra is located a little above the navel. This is all about Personal power, Creativity, Self-discipline, Decision making, Clarity of judgments, Confidence, Independence. When this Chakra is over active the person can be highly ambitious, controlling type, Egoistic, Self -absorbed. When it is under active then you will find that person very sensitive, lack of self-worth, low on confidence. At a physical level it connects with Pancreas, Stomach, Liver and can give health issues like Diabetes, Kidney stones, stomach issues,
    At emotional level, this Chakra impacts our confidence, self-worth, self-esteem, will power. The balance in this Chakra gives us a sense of Confidence. This Chakra is also an important one as it is said the light of our body sits here and is the center point that gives us contentment and satisfaction. Will power and Creativity gets fueled by this Chakra. This Chakra ideally defines Who we are.


These 3 are the lower 3 Chakras and are majorly connected with our physical and material world. The pleasures and success of material world all gets defines here.

I will conclude here for today and will continue the remaining 4 Chakras in physical body in Part 2 and the 6 Chakra in our Individual Consciousness in Part 3.

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