Some of my favorite clicks from my Nature Walks

in health •  2 years ago 

Walking is always a joyful activity for me, and I am sure everyone loves to do that considering it's fitness benefits. I have a walking goal of 5k steps daily, but yes to be honest there are some days when I miss it, specially during weekends when I have altogether a different agenda, and then I try to cover it up on other days. Whenever I feel stressed out, I put on my shows and get out to a park or by the sea side for a walk. It completely relaxes me just in matter of some time. 3 years back after my spine surgery, the only fitness activity I was able to do was walking, as Doctor had advised me to not do any other physical exercises that even included Yoga. For that 1 year, I made it a point to not miss my walks, as that was the only thing that would bring back the strength to my muscles, which were damaged severely due to the extreme sciatica pain. And in just 6 months time my muscles were regaining strength and I was feeling better.

Just a half an hour walk daily does miracles to our health. Sometimes whole day when I am home working, by evening time, I feel tired or then lazy to go for my walk, on such days I take walks in my corridor which is thankfully long and gives me 150 steps in 1 round. Even if it is not out in the nature, but just the walk again boost up my energy level. It takes away all the work stress build up during the day and kind of gives a relaxation to my brain. What I do during my walks is, I say a lot of affirmations. I keep repeating some positive affirmations in my half an hour walk daily. It gives me a mental boost with that and I feel so much light and full of positive energy surrounding me. Ofcourse there are many health benefits of walking which every one knows and I am not going to stress on that much. If someone has high blood pressure problems, it is very good for them to take regular walks, it helps regulate the pressure.

I love to take walks with a lot of greens around, specially forest areas. Whenever I am travelling and I explore the small towns of those places, because these are the places where you find the best views.

I am in love with these kind of walking paths, the fresh fragrance of the trees and the plants kind of kicks my senses. These are some of my favorite nature walks pictures that I have enjoyed the most during my travels.

This has been on one of the roads in the small town of Montreux in Switzerland

This is in my very own India in a town called Kumarakom in Kerala

Switzerland is a very enchanting place and the beauty of this place will surely leave you enchanted. On one of my explorations in the Iseltwald village.


A walk in the woods

And look what I see here

At a Botanical Garden in Geneva. I had so much loved this place.

A walk in the Tivoli gardens

And I love these type of walks too. Life is an adventure and we need to keep exploring.

If you have any your favorite nature walk pictures do share it with me in comments.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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