Break it Down Into Smaller Tasks

in health •  4 years ago 

Break it down into smaller tasks. As a self-hypnosis practitioner, you are probably always under time constraints and often pressed for time when working with clients. If you do not break it down into smaller tasks, you will run out of time and may not get all the information that you require. A good way to combat this is to break it down into very short tasks. As an example, if you want to hypnotize a 10-minute client you need to be able to get this person to focus on a task for no more than 10 minutes. If you try to hypnotize the client for half an hour you will not achieve the outcome that you desire.

Once you have a small task completed you should then move onto the next item. In order to get your client's attention, you should lead with the most important part of the script. As an example, if you are going to teach the client how to use the golf swing tool then this should always be the first thing that is mentioned. This will get the ball rolling and get the person interested. You can then move on to the different parts of the swing. You could mention how the clubhead moves, how the arm stays in position, and then move onto the backswing and downswing.

You can also use embedded commands or micro triggers in order to get your client's focus. You should mention these words several times throughout the script and ensure that your client's eyes stay focused on the words. This is because if their focus wanders you will lose them before they finish listening to your hypnosis downloads.

Once you have finished the initial introduction you can move onto the main body of the script. This area contains the main points that you want your clients to remember after being hypnotized. It is important that you make sure that you do not go into great detail as this will cause boredom for your clients. The important thing is that you just focus on a few issues and take out of your hypnosis downloads. You can then move onto a brief discussion about each of these issues and how the client can solve these problems. You can then move onto discussing solutions and examples.

If you are using images or words, you need to ensure that you do not talk over your clients. It is best to use repetition within the script so that you can get your clients to associate the images with the phrases that you are using. This way they will not have to think too hard to remember what you are talking about. You can then continue to give tips and techniques that they can put into practice immediately.

These are just a few ways that you can break it down when it comes to hypnosis downloads. In order to get your clients into the state of hypnosis, you need to make sure that you keep the process fun and interesting. This way they will be motivated to follow your suggestions and do whatever it takes in order to get the results that you are looking for. This will give you the results that you are looking for and ensure that you get your clients into a productive state of mind.

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