How to lose belly fat very quickly?

in health •  4 years ago 


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This is a common question for many people nowadays. How to reduce the stomach? Bhurita how to reduce dude? Now let's talk about how to lose belly fat fast.

Photo: Mashuk. My own picture

Some ways:

(1) Stop all kinds of sweets. Absolutely do not eat sugar. Don't even eat sweet fruits. Turn them off for a few months.

(2) Wake up in the morning and mix 1 mug / glass of warm water with 1 whole lemon juice and eat it. If you can get pure honey, mix 1 teaspoon of honey.

(3) Drink lemon water and go for a walk after walking shoes. Start walking slowly and gradually increase your walking speed. Keep walking as hard as you can. Walk like this for 30 minutes straight. Increase the time of continuous walking day by day. Walk continuously till 30/35/40/45/50/55/60 minutes. When the walk is over, do some back hand exercises.

(4) Stop drinking all kinds of soft drinks

(5) Carbohydrate foods should be reduced. In the morning eat 2 thin red breads with 1 egg poach and 1 bowl of vegetables.

(6) Take one to one and a half teaspoon of rice in the afternoon. Fill the stomach with more vegetable fish salad. You used to eat rice with curry, now you eat curry with rice.

(6) In the afternoon again mix 1 lemon juice in 1 glass of lukewarm water and eat it. With 1/2 cucumber.

(6) At night again with thin 1/2 red flour bread with vegetables or vegetarian, pulses finish eating. Dinner must be finished at 8 o'clock.

(6) Go to bed 2/3 hours after eating.

(9) Do not sleep or sleep during the day.

(10) Exercise again for a while after evening. Especially Jumping Jack, Plank, Mountain Climbing.

(11) Eggs, chicken, lentils, pulses, fish to meet the demand for protein. Eating protein-rich foods makes you feel less hungry. For this, you must eat 1 egg for breakfast in the morning.

(12) Avoid elevators. Use the stairs.

(13) Must drink 3 liters of water daily. This will make your digestive system work very well.

(14) Abstain from fatty foods completely.

(15) You can eat 1 cup of sour yogurt every day.

Finally, I am giving another video below. Watch the video and do the exercises regularly.

The bottom line is to take a minimum of 2 months target. Because you can't lose belly fat overnight.

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