It's a beautiful winter day. The sun is taking time to come up and it is a cold day winter day.
As I go to the streets I can feel the foggy air around me and the smells of freshly grounded spices being prepared for breakfast in people's houses.
I recently read an article in a newspaper online where the American writer mentions that India smells of cinnamon and other spices and the scent lingers on for hours.
I have lived all my life here in India so I don't know how other countries smell and feel.
I once lived in a small room on the roof of a building in Bangalore and every morning I would wake up to the smells of curry leaves, ginger and loud noises from the mixer grinder from the neighbour who originally hailed from Maharashtra.
I was a student back then and these smells would wake me up and I would be craving food 6 in the morning!
The smells were good but I would then get hungry and craved the food they were cooking.
Today I have a few tasks to do and I have a to-do list ready. Business is slow and it is not so hectic. This is my first time running a real life business and I still learning everything. Each day comes with it's lessons and experiences.
Thank for sharing.
I just know about it. How u can check quality of sleep? Its application on smartphone sir?
I use a MI Smartband 5 and I wear it at night. It tracks my sleep, heartbeat, stress and my steps.
thanks for taking the time to answer .
This is the second time I know of people using a "bracelet" that can detect sleep quality.
I have an app on my phone called Sleep Cycle that does this. You just put your phone on the corner of your mattress and it will monitor your movements while you sleep and assess your sleep quality in that manner.
Like this one? I got 7 days trial.

I've been curious about sleep quality for a long time.
Thank you sir. I will try it. Hopefully you are always healthy. 👍
Yes. That's the one I use, except I have the iPhone version. It takes about a week before it can tell you the sleep quality because it needs to calibrate itself.
After that, it will tell you your sleep quality. You can even keep sleep notes, like if you exercised, if you drank tea close to bed, and other things like that, and it will tell you which of these things affect your sleep quality and whether they improve your sleep or make it worse.
Omg, I had to give up the trial period without any results. ha ha. Thank you for the information.
Later, after I fulfill other needs, it seems that an application like this is a must have for me. Maybe for now it can not be a priority. Because of the cost .
I wonder if you have used it for a long time? Sorry I ask many questions. But you can answer it at your leisure. I know you have many other activities.
Have a nice day
Yes. I've been using the app for many years. When I got it, it cost one dollar.
thank you for sharing your experience. 🔥🔥
such a great post thanks for sharing us. Keep it up dear sir.