Private Hospitals Are Sometimes Worse Than Government Hospitals From Experience

in health •  9 months ago 

In my country we only blame the government hospital for not having enough medical facilities to accommodate and treat patients who are sick. I know the most government hospitals don't have adequate facilities, but most of the private hospitals are worst than that of the government owned.


I once had a negative experience with a private hospitals and it was really bad. I was unfortunate to visit a private hospital when I was is ill and the treatment there was very bad.

I got admitted in the hospital and within a short period of time I was discharged without getting a proper treatment. They had a very small facility and not enough space to accommodate patients. They don't treat you properly and you are in the process of recovery they discharged you fast so that they can create room for the next patient that is how bad it can be.

I even over heard that most of the doctors there are working in different hospital both for the government and private, so tell me how they will have the chance to concentrate well in giving a proper treatment. You receive treatment in their hospital, but you would go to another hospital for complete treatment.

I was told a story about how a woman lost her baby because of there were no doctor to attend to her. At the night of the woman's labor there was no doctor in the hospital because he had another shift in the government hospital, it was just nurses that were around.


There was only two nurses that night and unfortunately there were 5 women in labor that night, so it was difficult for them to handle all the patients.

But with the help of God the nurses were able to manage the situation and miraculously all babies were delivered safely. But something bad happened, when the doctor came in the morning for checkup as usually he hurriedly discharged the woman with her baby without a thorough examination.


When the woman went back home with her child, the next day the baby developed complications and the was taken back to the hospital again. The doctor had to give the baby some drugs and prescription, but some hours later the baby died and when we discovered the cause it was because the doctor gave the baby an outdated drugs, how on earth could this happened.


You can see we lost a child because one person who calls himself a doctor was not careful to do his job well.

Most of the times we should not blame only the government hospitals, private hospital can be worse sometimes, and I am saying this from my past experiences.

Thanks for your time.

I also made same post on my hive account @goldice. You can check it out.

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