RE: Just found out I need heart surgery

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Just found out I need heart surgery

in health •  4 months ago 

I hope you acquire the help for your health concern. Wish for your fast recovery, so no gardening by now.

I maybe late, but as I have said, you'll get the 1M BP before new year. Congratulations!

I stopped visiting blurt in November last year, as I experienced bad health conditions as well. It started with stiff neck then I can't sleep for more that a week, that spikes my blood pressure to 160/100. It triggers my anxiety and stops me from sleeping at night.

Fortunately, November 17 was my flight to Philippines for my annual vacation. At this time I could take a rest, keep myself away from stress. After 3-5 days my sleeping schedule almost went back to normal. So now, I stay away from my PC when it's 9:00 in the evening. I also do light and basic exercise like 30-40 minutes, 5-6 times a week and I lost 6kilos by now.

Take care buddy, God Bless.

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