Visitor During Sleep; Pain

in health •  2 years ago 

Regular sleep and rest are the primary demands of a tired body and must be met. Most of the time, I don't have any difficulty in sleeping because I have a tired body due to work. And I am not going to explain the importance of sleep in the human body. Everyone already knows it.

I also know that during sleep, the body's working systems slow down and recharge energy so that we can start the day healthy and energized. And that's why we sleep, isn't it?


Anyway, the issue is not sleep and the extra energy or health that sleep can bring, but rather the severe pain that occurs during sleep. In other words, unhealthy!

A week ago, probably in the sweetest moments of my sleep, I woke up with a severe contraction of the lower abdomen. The pain was so intense that I could not get out of bed on my own, even though I was tired, extremely fit and comfortable.


I used my cell phone to ask for help from other family members and tried to understand what had happened. The severe pain that started on my left kidney side and spread to my lower abdomen affected my speech and movements to such an extent that I was unable to move consciously.

When I arrived at the emergency room of the city hospital where I live, during the oral examination I could only show the places where the pain started and spread. After an IV was started and an IV drip was started, the pain gradually subsided and soon disappeared as if nothing had happened.

The absence of pain made the wait in the hospital even more boring. For a moment I even considered leaving - after all, I don't need it anymore!


After blood, urine, ultrasound and intestinal x-rays, the first diagnosis was that I had an enlarged left kidney and needed to go to the urology outpatient clinic urgently. I was given a temporary prescription for pain relief.

The next day, I couldn't find a line at the relevant outpatient clinic and on the night of the same day, the same pain visited me again during my sleep. Since I knew the diagnosis a little bit, I tried to wait and endure the pain, but it gradually increased and started to give me the feeling that it would continue to increase, as if there was no upper limit. I was forced to go back to the emergency room and again the same painkiller injections and the same sentences. You should definitely see a urologist!

On the first day, I realized that I had to see a urologist, but no one told me how to do that! The system gave me a queue for the next 10 days and I didn't have time to wait. I contacted the private hospital in my city and was told that there was only one urology doctor and that he was not accepting patients because it was an operation day.


On the third night, guess what happened? As you probably know, the same pain came again during my sleep. I think this kind of pain waits for the body system to slow down during sleep to appear. In short, it waits for the person it is going to visit to sleep.

This time I went to the provincial university hospital, which is 1 hour away from the city. I told the emergency doctor there not to give me painkillers and send me back because the pain had started again and I could not wait 10 days for the urology queue. He told me that they could not hospitalize urology patients from the emergency room because the system was like this. For example, if I was a cardiology patient, I could have been hospitalized, but since I was a urology patient, he said they would treat me and send me back!


I got the answer to the question marks I had in my mind during the first two nights in the emergency services. I guess; cardiology patients can be fatal, but urology patients suffer torturous pains at most, but they do not die!

It is not possible to see the faults in the system without such incidents happening to you or your relatives. My body was overflowing with painkillers for 3 nights with the medications I took.

After a short examination and a tomography scan, I learned that I had a 5-millimeter stone in my left kidney. I came home with two bags of medicine and I am trying to pass the stones.


It is painful at times, but not as bad as the pain that starts at night. I have been told that if I cannot pass the stone in the kidney in this time, I will need surgery. I don't want to know or experience what the surgery process will be like and what difficulties the system will present.

I walk around the rooms with a bottle of lemon water in my hand, and I am afraid that the pain I mentioned will come again as soon as I sleep.

During the corona pandemic, I had already observed that the health sector was not as well developed as it was said to be, and now I had the painful opportunity to observe the failures in the health system.

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