There is nothing better than natural immunity !

in health •  3 years ago 


I caught a cold. That's happened to me once a year. Even before what's called pandemic.

But this time I got sick more than usual. With the same symptoms about 15 years ago I was hospitalized. But now I decided to heal myself home. Because I understand that's my fault. I spend a long time home. I don't get out a lot because my work is from home. I understand that if I was more active, at least when I got sick, I would resist that better. So, taking care of the natural immunity is gold. That's what we should do in this time. That's what will save you from any disease. Not anything else !


For example me and my wife usually prepare ''Vigorous tea''. It's always helped us when we had flu. And of course most of us had that during most of our lives, but not only the last 3 years. Anyway, I would like to share with you the recipe of this great tea. You can take any kind of tea you like and add to it the following ingredients : powdered ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, some pepper, you can add to that some cloves and a piece of lemon. And you can drink such tea even twice or three time a day. Of course for some people it's hard to drink, but consider that as a natural medicament that should be drank.


We also use the humidifier with the function of flavoring. So, we have a lot of kinds of essential oils, and we add those we need in it. Usually essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree and pine are good against any kind of flu. And even using the humidifier just to humidify the air is good sometimes especially in the countries with low level of humidity. Because it makes the air fresh and breathing become easier. I would like as well to say that essential oils are also good to make an air freshener. Just by mixing them with the water and spraying that home. That could be considered as disinfector.

We just have to care about our natural immune system by going out often, drinking enough water, staying fit, eating healthy and trying to consume only natural products.

We have always to remind ourselves that there is nothing better than natural immunity to care about. Strong natural immune system is what can prevent us to cash a disease, or at least if we catch it, we get well faster.

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Every day we take one of these:
tea with ginger, lemon and honey,
chamomile tea, lemon and honey.
guava and lemon leaf tea,
lemon thyme tea,
turmeric tea.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That's good to do that every day. We should do that as well.