The inner peace - The outer world !

in health •  2 years ago 


Everyone has an inner world, and that world should be always in peace.

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We often find shocking information about the world we live in. We start digging deeper in it, and sometimes we even forget about all the positive things we have. We forget about the inner world we built for years and the purpose we are living for. That should never happen. Every single one of us is a unique individual. And the awesomeness of this, that every one of us has his/her special inner world. And all together we can change reality if we work on changing ourselves from the inside.

I don't propose to run away at all from reality. But at least to give your beloved self as much attention as you can. To change yourself for the better. To improve a little, every single day. Maybe the world consider that an egoism, but there is a healthy egoism that I already wrote about. Usually they say that we have to treat others like we treat ourselves. But sometimes it should be vice versa, when we already did what we could for others.

Life is full of surprises. We should be ready for them. But we shouldn't let them change the good in us for the worse. We should keep that good no matter what's happening inside us. I know a great saying : ''The biggest war that you have to win, is the war inside you.'' It's kind of continuous phenomena that are fighting all the time. The good with the evil, the reason with the madness, the motivation with the laziness, the brain with the heart, the reality with imagination... .etc.

That's why sometimes it's good to dig deeper in our inner world to understand how we can impact the outer one.

Maybe the most important is to be in peace in both worlds !

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes you're right
I also have my inner world and it's peace all through 😊

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's nice. ☺