The Healing Power of Nature: How Spending Time Outdoors Can Improve Your Mental Health

in health •  last year 

Have you ever felt so stressed that you needed to take a walk outside? Or you've been on a trip somewhere and just wanted to soak in some nature?

These are natural and healthy ways to reduce stress, and there are many scientific studies backing them up. If you want to see the positive effects of being outside, I've got 10 simple steps for you.

  1. Clear your head and start the day with some fresh air

Take a walk outside or sit in your backyard and enjoy the sunlight streaming through the trees. Breathe in the fresh air. Listen to birds chirping. Relax your body and mind. It might be tempting to think about what happened the day before or tomorrow's work project. Instead, focus on your surroundings.

  1. Focus on your senses

What do you hear? Do you smell something? Is it even possible to smell something if there's no wind blowing? Pay attention to the little things around you, and learn to appreciate them.

  1. Feel the sun

When you're outside, be sure to feel the sun on your skin. It can have a soothing effect on your body, reducing the feeling of stress in your muscles. In fact, even the smallest amount of sunlight can help reduce stress in your mind.

  1. Watch nature change

Just as the seasons change, so does everything else outside. Watch trees change colors, flowers bloom, and leaves fall. When you see the changes, they can have a calming effect on your spirit.

  1. Be present

One of the most important parts of being outdoors is focusing on what you are doing. You don't have to spend hours gardening. All you need to do is be there.

  1. Focus on your own mental health

A lot of stress can come from worrying about others. Spend your time outside thinking about yourself. Don't worry about your friends, family members, or coworkers. Just focus on being comfortable and happy.

  1. Be alone

We all need alone time. Whether it's an afternoon by yourself or time spent with a group of close friends, it can make us happier overall.

  1. Let go of expectations

Sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect that we don't allow ourselves to relax and let go. When you're relaxing, you're letting go of expectations.

  1. Get away from technology

If you live in a big city or work from home, technology can be a major distraction. Take some time to disconnect from your phone or computer.

  1. Look forward to the future

Spend time thinking about the future. What would you like to do the next five years? 10 years? Think about the things you'd like to do and how you'd like to look back on your life.

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