One year old truth becomes news - the "virus" is a bioweapon

in health •  3 years ago 

Why is Sky News Australia the only channel in the world able to broadcast the truth - with typical Ozzie humour too!? I mean, it's still owned by Murdoch, hence a globalist channel.

It was obvious to anybody with a few functioning braincells and internet access to the earliest research papers that the alleged "new" covid virus was created in the level-4 bio-lab in Wuhan. This was quickly dismissed as 'conspiracy theory", a term concocted by the CIA in the 1950s to trigger most humans into ignoring any reality outside their programming.

Now it appears to be true!

Well, f&ck me!

Now, part of the scam remains unexplored. Most countries that pretend to have some FOA have all admitted that they DO NOT HAVE any evidence of an isolated virus from a human! Read that again... slowly.

My own suspicion is that any release of a real virus was either local or sporadic across the world and that this alleged novel virus only spread from lab to lab without touching the environment at all. This would give all the world labs the pretence of studying "the virus" when all they have been doing is studying ready-made samples. The "mutation theory" is just a way to bury the data with all the other coronaviruses.

Not only that, but a "coronavirus test", a real test, is standard on any blood panel. Why were these real tests ignored? The "new" virus is still part of the corona family.

Anyway, time to get my scalpel and poisoned pen out again. Been getting bored with the encroaching prison planet, but looks like enough gullible dupes are willingly being genetically modified that the psycho-tyrants must be planning the next step.

Populations are now primed for fear and ignorance. Next trigger coming soon.

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