Importance of Learning Self - Healing

in healing •  3 years ago 

I think it is important that every person should have some knowledge of self-healing or learn it, in whichever therapy they can best suit themselves to.

There are many forms of Energy healing for which one does not need an expert and can do by self. All of us have the capability to heal by ourselves, it's just getting into a practice and also believing in it. If you do not have that belief in the first place that you have the power to heal your own self, then you will not be able to.

Some of the simplest ways of self-healing is doing Affirmations, I have found a lot of strength in it, and if you keep it as a daily practice, you will see how your energies will elevate to higher vibrations. This is the first thing I recommend to anyone who is struggling to clear blockages. Meditation and Yoga are also very powerful tools to self-healing. Needless to say, it brings ample benefits and can be done by self without much training. For Yoga it is better to do it under guidance.

There are some other Healing therapies also, which one can learn and use in day-to-day life. These are some very powerful ones, which I also use on my clients regularly and then motivate them to learn so that they do not need to keep coming to me and can do it by themselves.


Healing through Commands and Pendulum Dowsing - This is my favorite. Pendulum Dowsing is one practice that I master in and I am in the process of writing a book on it. If all goes well, very soon I will be able to publish it. Pendulums dowsing with commands is powerful and it also shows one if there has been improvement or not. Through this technique one can actually monitor the improvement and it's not where one does it and then keeps wondering if it has worked or not. This technique also gives information about the levels of health of a person and whether progress is made or not. But again, there is a lot of effort and practice that goes into learning this therapy. And you build up on it with time. From the time I have started with this practice till now which has been more than 6 years, I have observed how it has developed and taken me to higher levels of healing.

The other technique I find useful is the Donna Eden - Energy Medicine Tools. Her methods are body tapping and other hand techniques in opening up the body energy pathways. I have not learned in depth, but I have some decent knowledge around it and can say that it is a very useful technique.

Crystal Healing is also a technique, but I am not mentioning it because it is not easy to do it by self, and best done by an opposite person, a trained healer.

Reiki also can be learned and be used for self-healing; I have learnt but never put to use much. I always like to compliment my therapies with each other for best results and they work wonderfully when integrated with each other.


Learning Healing therapies does help one a lot and they are tools to enhance our spiritual evolution, but one has to remember that they cannot take away your challenges. They will be there but when we have these tools and know how to use them, we have a better understanding of dealing with our challenges and also bringing in soothing energies with conscious efforts to minimize the impact of the troublesome situation.

Our Diet is also one of the best Healing therapies, what we feed into our system directly impacts our physical health and not only that but our mental wellbeing also. If one practices a healthy clean diet then you will find that the mental emotional wellbeing of that person is also very high and strong, against those who are in a practice of unhealthy foods and lifestyle.

One thing for sure, no one can heal you if you are not ready and not willing to, it is an internal job, a healer can only trigger your ability to heal but they cannot heal you unless you are not ready and willing to heal. If you go to a doctor and show resistance, the medicines and treatments that he will prescribe may take a long time to show its effect.

Even after one goes through all the inner work there will be times when one suddenly feels low, out of balance, stuck with situations but in such times the inner voice will be loud and clear and one needs to be sensitive about listening to their inner voice.

If one learns healing therapies or if one is doing healing work does not mean all problems end there and the person will be able to deal with anything and everything. There will still be times when help will be required. Energy work is sensitive and it needs a lot of open minds as well. It is very rightly said, we have everything within us we need to heal our-self.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I believe on Mantra and Ohm chanting with yoga mudra definitely clear all the inner stress and negativity . Surya Namaskara is nowadays not practicable for all in their busy life but it helps in faster self healing .