Hey Blurt Sunshines,
Many people live with diagnosed diseases, sometimes finding out too late to be able to heal that's another day's post.
When you finally get a diagnosis, which may take you by surprise, for me I was getting treated like a hypochondriac, you know something is wrong when you have shooting pain, it's frustrating when you are being pushed and prodded being told nothing is wrong with you.
Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear. - Hippocrates

There are over 100+ different types of Autoimmune Diseases, in Australia, New Zealand one out of twenty people have an autoimmune disease, I would rather take on the Australian statistics of one in twenty owns bitcoin than autoimmune but beggars can't be choosers.
With a large number of people having an autoimmune disease, there still isn't enough awareness, information about these diseases, how to heal, manage, prevent them which brings changes for patients trying to navigate, come to terms which autoimmune disease.
Finding the right information - Doctors, specialists have limited, different knowledge, it's like a puzzle piecing information from medical practitioners, online, the experience of trial and error of what may work for your body, depending on how sick your body is.
Food - What to eat, as many doctors say eat what you still are, as it doesn't affect, which from my experience was untrue for myself.
Just as food causes chronic disease, it can be the most powerful cure - Hippocrates
Trying to understand, listen to the signals your body is telling you.
Overcoming your head, thoughts of the questions, of why me, what did I do wrong.
Coming to terms with being sick, moving forward to maintaining, healing, living life to it's fullest with what is left.
Being your own advocate finding out information, sticking to what you feel is right for you
To have surgery if an option, to take drugs, natural remedies, supplements.
Dealing with feeling like a bother, nuisance because you are unwell, dealing with the pity looks.
Relearning your limits, as your body may not be able to keep up with you once we're able to do.
Learning knowledge, fitting what you have learned it into your lifestyle, an routine.
Testing and trailing what works for you, which may be time-consuming which may become frustrating.
Medical testing, doctor visits
Autoimmune is not easy as everyone has an opinion, just like everything in life, I found it really hard at the start, I was very lucky to have people sending me links to follow up on, I was digging also, I actually went into information overload, I found some AI road-maps, which were different to one another, with what I've learned for my own diseases, I would do a totally different road map.
The three hardest challenges for myself have been coming to terms with acknowledging I'm sick, learning the diet change of food and how to cook has been a real learning curve, listening to my body which food it accepts, the last but not least is trailing, testing information found sifting through lot's of different knowledge, which works for me.
Do you have a disease, what has been your hardest challenges?
Thank you for stopping by really appreciate it, have a fabulous Day/Evening
Disclaimer This is not intended as medical advice, I'm a novice meaning I'm not a medical professional, I enjoy researching, trailing, and testing natural as possible remedies on myself and family, I'm only sharing my own point of view from my own research and experiences, always contact a professional for advice.
We are also over on discord, we like to chat about crypto, blogging, hemp, autoimmune, PSC, health, parenting, business, projects within
discord about lots of different subjects like life,
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