No matter what, you can always create a moment of happiness for yourself.

in happiness •  9 months ago 


Happiness rarely comes from things or is sparked by them. It originates from a person's inner self and is significantly influenced by how they view the world and their own lives. How a man views and approaches life has a significant impact on how happy that person will be.

Happiness often seems extremely far away to some of us since we most frequently associate it with possessions or the conditions of our lives. Most of us believe that we can only be happy if we have everything we need, when we succeed in our goals, or when our dreams come true. Some of us have been influenced by this mentality to seek things to the point where we've forgotten to make time for our loved ones and ourselves. We are so committed to finding happiness that we will willingly overlook everything else in our lives in favor of the one thing we believe will bring us the fulfillment we crave.

The terrible thing is that, after obtaining the one thing or things we believed would make us happy, we realized that the happiness disappears the instant the thrill of accomplishing such a task subsides. We keep trying to persuade ourselves that if we could only accomplish more, we may find the happiness that would last because we can't believe that the happiness we've been pursuing for so long would disappear so quickly.

Some of us don't want to give up on happiness, so we start to associate happiness with possessions that others already have but we don't.

The majority of us are unaware of the fact that happiness is a truth that dwells inside us and is mostly sparked by the small things in life that we overlook in our pursuit of the large things we hang our happiness on. The best way to ignite the happiness that already exists within each of us and keep it burning bright is to appreciate the little things in life.

It will let us understand how fortunate we are and bring happiness to our hearts to appreciate the simple things in life and life in general. Happiness is always nearby; in fact, it's quite close by, but because most of us have already associated it with stuff, we never actually see it. Some of us give those pursuits our all, neglecting to live and take pleasure in life in the process.

The world's happiest people would be wealthy men, powerful people, and renowned people if fame, fortune, power, or accomplishments could bring them permanent happiness. But as everyone is aware, this is not always the case. I've seen famous, affluent, and powerful people who are depressed. These people were not melancholy because they were affluent, powerful, or well-known; rather, they were depressed because they were unable to experience the happiness they had anticipated would result from their status, notoriety, success, or fortune.

Everybody has the capacity for happiness, but this capacity can only be awakened by identifying a cause for joy. However, such a justification can only come from a grateful heart. Happiness is sparked in our hearts when we give thanks for life and all that it has to offer; the more often we do this, the more such happiness is sparked, and the better our lives become. The happiest moments in a man's life are made possible by their appreciation of life. The more we are grateful for life and everything it has given us, both good and terrible, the more our hearts are warmed by happiness and the happier we become.

Find something to be grateful for every day, no matter what the circumstances, and you will find that life is lot more pleasurable and exciting.

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