Getting Rid Of Insomnia

in happiness •  4 years ago 

Try to make other people feel happy. What can you do to make someone feel happy? If you could make them smile or laugh it would brighten their day and that can't be a bad thing. Sometimes the simplest gesture will make someone smile and they may even tell you "wow you made me smile."


There are many ways you can make a person feel good about themselves. The easiest way is just to be kind. Try to help others at all times. Show a genuine interest in what that person is doing. Even if it is something as simple as holding the door open for them when they approach the door to make sure they know you are interested.

If a situation comes up that is bothering you or something you are concerned about always try and find the positive in it. Look for the silver lining rather than dwelling on what the problem is. For example, if the person cut your finger trying to push a stuck refrigerator on your dresser the first thing you need to do is get to a doctor and get a checkup. But if you take positive action when things go wrong, the stress of dealing with the problem may be lessened and your mood may lift as a result.

There are so many situations in which stress can come into play. For instance, the most obvious example is that of job dissatisfaction. If you're unhappy with your position and employer doesn't seem to understand, you should seek out the help of a professional to find out what's wrong and if possible resolve it.

However, if you're unhappy in your current situation, stress can creep up on us without us even noticing it. And for many, stress at this point will be manifesting itself in a series of physical problems. Irritability and/or overeating can be symptoms of stress as well as increased heart rate. Sleep disorders are also common when the body is under stress. So if you're wondering how to sleep better at night, here are some tips:

Get plenty of sleep. Contrary to what most people think, a good night's sleep is not only necessary, it's necessary all the time. Sleep deprivation leaves you feeling tired and more likely to be irritable at work or home. Try to go to bed around the same time each day and on the weekends. Your body will get into a regular rhythm and sleep will generally become more easily attained.

Avoid alcohol and avoid taking anything before you go to bed. These substances interfere with your breathing and make it difficult to sleep. Also, do not watch TV or play video games before going to bed. You'll find that it is easier to drift off to dreamland if you do not use any of these stimulating devices.

Another thing you can do to deal with sleeping problems is to avoid caffeine. Caffeine triggers sleeping problems because it causes you to feel awake. Instead, consume small amounts of tea, coffee or chamomile as a morning drink. If you must consume caffeine before going to sleep, take a few beforehand to avoid jitters and shakes. Avoid alcohol at least three hours before bedtime. You can have alcohol in small quantities but not too much as it has the same stimulating effect as caffeine.

Many people are unaware of what they eat before bedtime. Your diet can play a major role in your sleeping problems. You should eliminate foods that contain high levels of sodium. These include canned foods, salty snacks and other snacks that contain preservatives and high fat.

It is also important to get plenty of sleep during the day. Try to get 8 hours of sleep at night. Some people find that when they make several small changes to their daily routine they are able to get more sleep. You will be surprised at how much better you feel once you have your sleeping problems under control.

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