Beautiful design of articles, posts and a complete master class on the HackMD editor

in hackmd •  3 years ago 

Greetings to all lovers of beautiful designs for articles and posts

I will introduce you to an editor in which you can style your post beautifully.
The editor is called HackMD and if you write in the search bar of your browser or follow the active link, you will be taken to the site where you need to register.
This is how the editor field will look. Let's explore your first step.
You followed the link and got to such a picture.

The upper arrows indicate the correct display of the site.
The editor itself is no different from a blank post field.
But this editor supports all the markdown functions. They are highlighted in red at the top of the black part.

There is nothing difficult to work with.
On a black background there are lines in which you enter the text and on the right you see its display.
The top panel has functions for bold text, italics, column highlighting, link, pictures and, importantly, this editor has a =center= .
What it is? In the center, you can place beautiful pictures or text dividers, such as you see above.
The editor translates well from English into other languages, so everyone can customize it to their own language.

Use a hash mark (#) to select the height of the heading text. The more bars, the smaller the letter.

And now =center=.
Try to copy what you see in the picture and save, since this function is not in the editor itself.

The formula of signs for the center on the right side is not visible and therefore everything that you want to place in the center, be it a card on a transparent background, a postcard, a beautiful picture or a text separator, you must insert the link of this picture in the center, as indicated by the arrow.

Where can I find pictures and separators?
Go to the browser line and enter something like this text = Text separators with colors =

Google will give you everything your heart desires.
You can set any topic and you will get the delimiter you need.
If you need a transparent picture, do not forget to indicate = on a transparent background =

To insert a separator in the center, copy the link of the image, not the URL.
Right-click on the picture and select "copy picture" and immediately paste the link into the designated center, and it will look like this.

To work on writing any text, I always have a template with my signature and a center for the separator.
Leave the line with the center formula in the blank field of the post and then simply copy it to the right place and insert the separator.

What else is this editor good for?
After you go to the editor's site, immediately register or enter through any social network in which you are registered.
The editor will serve as your piggy bank for texts that you have not completed or you want to write the text together with another partner.
Yes, you are not mistaken. Two, three, three or more people who are online at the same time and who have been invited to work on an article writing project can simultaneously see the actions and participate in editing.

Редактор HackMD - это хранилище ваших статей, которые сохраняются автоматически после закрытия сайта.

The HackMD editor is a repository of your articles, which are saved automatically after you close the site.

Click on HackMD and you will be sent to your profile, from where you can see and sort your articles, select registered people, and also receive the site's newsletter bells.
As you can see, nothing is complicated.
We study any site. Don't be afraid to press buttons and check what's hidden underneath.

And now the most important thing.
How to place text from the editor in the post field on sites?
Everything is very simple. Copy it as plain text and paste it into a blank post field.
Here on the screenshot is a ready-made post about the editor and you can see what the center looks like with a separator link.

And this is what a beautiful post looks like, which I will publish.

That's all.
Happy New Year to all of you and wish you all the best and good luck!

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