When Greed takes over

in greed •  2 years ago 

Last month one of my uncle passed away. He was very old, 92 years and ailing with ill health since the last 6 months of his life. He was not married and lived with his sister who is older then him 95 years. He was my mother in law's brother and as a family we were all bonded very closely. Specially they siblings who were 5 of them were very close to each other and cared a lot for each other. He and his one sister lived in a different city then the others, but they would frequently travel to meet each other. In the last few years with their age their mobility had reduced since all of them are above 80, and the last two years Covid took over the situation and restricted all movements.

When the Covid situation started and everyone's mobility got restricted, specially across the cities where people were not allowed to travel, in this time my uncle's very good friend Son, came into the picture. He started taking care of them. He stayed in the same society just 2 buildings away, so it was not at all a challenge for him to visit them. Slowly gradually his presence in uncle's home increased and they started getting dependent on him for many matters. We as a family were very grateful to him that he was doing a very noble work, least realizing that he had very cunning intentions behind all of this.

Gradually he started disconnecting all their services that were arranged for them to make their life comfortable giving some or the other lame reason and started making them dependent on him. At that age of 92 and 95 one can imagine that it is not easy to deal with such people, so my Uncle and Aunt were very submissive to his behavior.
During the same time my hubby's health also got critical so we were very disconnected from all of this and were in our own world fighting out our own battle.

This person then started taking over my uncle's finances as well, since he was uncle very good friend's son, he did not realize that this guy had some motive. Uncle trusted him and because he was also very old and that no family member was around he started submitting into him to whatever that guy said. There came a point when this caretaker also fiddled around with their home landline and if we had to talk to them we had to connect to them through his mobile. They never kept a mobile phone so if at anytime we wanted to speak with them it was through him and he would ensure that he was all the time in front of them when we spoke to them. Later when my hubby's health got better, we visited them twice, making surprise visit and we would see that every time he would just come over in 5 minutes of we being there. And he made it look all very casual and natural, so it really did not strike us much at that point of time. Again since we did not live in that city it was difficult for us to keep overlooking things on a daily basis.


Last month when my uncle passed away. The relatives asked him to show the will of our uncle and this person backed off saying I am not going to show the will and uncle had given everything to him so there was no need to show the will. He mentioned that he took care of him so he gets everything. This was all very shocking for us. At one hand we thought he was a god sent man for our uncle and aunt who was taking such good care of them and then on the other hand he showed a very different picture of him. Not only that, now that my uncle is no more, he already has plans to put our old aunt who is residing in that home to an old age home and capture their home. We also have prayer ceremonies for our deceased ones regularly happening for the first few months, in the prayer the names of all the family members are taken. This caretaker captured that part as well and removed all the names of Uncle's family members and included names of his family member. This was all very hurtful to us. He played such a big game that no one of us ever imagined in the family and my Uncle had blind faith on him. Couple of times we also mentioned to our Uncle when he was alive, that not to trust anyone so blindly, but he was very naïve and he would always say that not to worry he is a very good genuine man.

Ofcourse we are not going to stay quiet, we have taken it up the legal way and police actions will also be happening. But at the same time, I do not like all this and I am feeling so sad that we have to take this route, we have no choice. We have to teach this person a lesson. His greed has no limits and not only has he showed greed for money, but he has discounted the family life long bond and disrespected my Uncle's trust and sentiments as well. Also we are worried for our aunt, that if he does something to her in our absence.

People can stoop down to such levels, sometimes it is difficult to even imagine but then the reality is that such people also exist in the world. It is also important for old family members to trust their own family and have faith in them and not let outsiders get too close to them.
Legal battles are so draining out and that would have been the last thing I would have ever wanted to happen in my life. But then letting off this person go free would not be the right thing to do. So let's see now what happens in future.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He sounds like a perfect abhuman and fits in nicely into the new scum society.

I actually know a very similar story here. Not within my family, but a person I got to meet, who was once the wife of a wealthy tin miner. Losing both her health and mental faculties, her "helpers" slowly took everything else!

Absolutely and he portrays himself to be a god man in front of the society. He over does things on social media trying to prove to the world that he is helping out people, when in real sense he is only taking advantage of their weakness.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Stories like this happen all the time, even within families.
When it comes to money.....
Very sad....

Yes, I have heard of many, but never imagined it would happen to my family. Within the family we do not have any money differences everyone is understanding and would rather give away our share to each other whoever is needy in the family, but just look at this an outsider comes and messes up with our life long relations.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We had nearly the same situation...

My condolences both on the loss of your uncle as well as the plight of your aunt now.

I think here that happens a lot too, moreso in recent decades. Families used to be closer here, and men more apt to take matters into their own hands. I would move quickly on the legal recourse before he moves the money and sells assets and hides them. This is all under the assumption the courts don't side with him, which one never knows with courts. It's a shame your uncle has no sons who are willing to have as many "talks" with him as needed for him to put things back as they should be and scurry away like the rat he is. I imagine he was already siphoning their resources well before your uncles passing though.

Thank you for your condolences @practicalthought.
Yes, we have already moved to the legal part. We could never imagine he would be such a crook and now also on social media he keeps putting up things about my uncle in a manner that as if he has been the only person in his life. Just look at this so sad, a person who comes in just the last year of his life and isolates his whole family from him. We never asked our uncle ever about his finances because we were never ever interested in it. Now also I do not like to put up this fight but then people have been telling us that if we do not then he will succeed in his wrong intentions.