Behind the Scenes: The Great Reset Agenda and You

in greatreset •  2 years ago 

(Google Images)

While the mainstream media has the public focused on Ukraine and the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard nonsense there are some very concerning issues going on behind the scenes. Virtually all of these issues are designed for one purpose, to implement the Great Reset, the brainchild of Klaus Schwab and elites around the world. Their motto is: “You’ll own nothing but you’ll be happy.” This begs the question; given that there’s still a lot of stuff to be owned, who will in fact own it? The answer is simple – the elites along with the governments who will manage the global economy. If this sounds a lot like central planning – the very thing that caused the collapse of the USSR – and Communism, it’s because it is… but this time it will work. This short video explains how the Great Reset works:

But don’t worry about anything because you’ll be happy, and if you’re not you’ll go to the bottom of the social credit score system where you won’t matter anyway. You’ll be deprived of virtually all of your rights, even access to food which you’ll already be used to because of the breakdowns in the food supply chain. We all need to lose a little weight anyway, n’est pas? But don’t worry about Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and their other elite friends because they have huge stockpiles of food and other necessities squirreled away in their underground bunkers.

What food we are able to get will likely be unfit to eat. According to a study by the Detox Project, much of our crops are being sprayed with Monsanto/Bayer phosphates, you remember, the same Round-Up that was found to contain carcinogens:

“In our first report nearly five years ago, we found alarming levels of glyphosate residues in 29 bestselling foods from major food companies in the continental United States, as increases in the spraying of more toxic pesticides was skyrocketing across rural America. In this new report, we disclose the glyphosate residue testing results of 83 foods found in major Big Box, grocery and natural food stores purchased in Des Moines, Iowa, including Walmart, Whole Foods, Target, Natural Grocers, and Hy-Vee and foods bought online through Amazon.”

“Incredibly, more than half the foods tested, a total of 45 foods out of 86 products, contained alarming levels of glyphosate, ranging from 12 parts per billion (ppb) in “sprouted wholegrain bread”6 from Whole Foods to as high 889 ppb in Walmart’s brand chickpeas,7 to 1,040 ppb in Whole Food’s 365 Brand Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread, to the highest level detected of 1,150 ppb in Hy-Vee’s 100% Whole Wheat Bread.”

Like Henry Kissinger intimated, “he who controls the food supply controls the population,” so as far as the elites are concerned, it’s good food for me, but not for thee. There’s also the new outbreak of Avian Flu (H3N8) that has not only caused millions of poultry to be destroyed, but has now jumped over into the human population.

Has anyone else noticed that “Climate Change” has morphed into “the climate crisis” or “the climate emergency?” With the 2022 mid-term elections rapidly approaching, the Democrats will have to come up with an emergency that will require lockdowns to keep people from the polls necessitating mail-in ballots again. The Covid nattarive having pretty much played itself out (for now), it looks like the environment will fit the bill, so not to worry, Schwab, Gates, and the other geniuses at the WEF have everything under control.

With climate “experts” such as Leonardo DiCaprio – an actor who once played a guy who pretended to be an airline pilot, a lawyer, and doctor all in the same movie – what could possibly go wrong. If things come to “real science” they may even resurrect Greta Thunberg, a high school dropout whose scientific knowledge on the subject of climate change eclipses that of Ph.D’s and Nobel Prize winners, who if pushed will throw a temper tantrum and hold her breath until you agree – how’s that for scientific integrity?

According to an article in Natural News:

“Now that people are no longer willing to accept being put back into lockdown due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), the globalists are planning to use other excuses – including the so-called climate crisis. Reese claimed that, before people are forced to stay in their homes, the government will likely adopt a variety of measures to make venturing out a burden. This includes the possibility of instituting a carbon tax, which would make using a vehicle that runs on fossil fuels much more expensive. (Related: Here come the CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS: World agency demands locking down cities to achieve “climate goals.”)”

“The government might even try to force people back into lockdown using the World Health Organization, which is about to be given international authority over pandemic response. Reese explained that this means it will no longer just give governments toothless recommendations on how to deal with disease outbreaks. If the proposal is passed, it could have full executive authority to do what it wants under the guise of pandemic control.”

One thing is certain; by backing the politically suicidal policies of the lunatics in the Biden administration the Democrats with have to come up with something that will dwarf the corruption surrounding the 2020 election just to survive politically. This will require Election Fraud 2.0… on steroids. But not to worry, when it comes to corruption and fraud there’s no level to which the Democrats and their globalist partners refuse to stoop to achieve their desired outcome.

According to the same article, climate lockdowns really aren’t that big of a stretch of the imagination. This strategy has been in place at least since 2020”

“The noxious idea is that we are at – yet another – tipping point, and that unless government radically seizes centralized control of the economy, it will be shutdown time,” wrote Wesley J. Smith for the National Review back in September 2020, explaining the potential rationale for a climate lockdown. Under such a climate lockdown, the government would grant itself the ability to limit – or outright ban – the use of private vehicles and the consumption of red meat, seeing these as the biggest culprits of harmful emissions.”

“In Feb. 2022, Kristin Tate, writing for The Hill, noted that calls for extreme government measures to be enacted in the name of saving the environment ‘are already in the parlance of influential organizations and figures.’ “In November 2020, the Red Cross proclaimed that climate change is a bigger threat than COVID and should be confronted with ‘the same urgency,’” wrote Tate. “Bill Gates recently demanded dramatic measures to prevent climate change, claiming it will be worse than the pandemic. Despite millions of people having died from COVID, former governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney last year predicted that climate deaths will dwarf those of the pandemic.”

Given that the “pandemic” has a survival rate of 99.97%, deaths from climate change may indeed “dwarf” those of the scamdemic… except, exactly how does one in fact die of climate change? Moreover, where did they get figures showing that “millions” died of Covid. Oh well, let’s not trouble ourselves with a bunch of pesky facts. After all, we have a narrative to push. ““They know that we will ignore their destruction of America so long as they feed us distractions to ruminate over on social media, just as they are doing now,” warned Reese. “They want to make you stay inside your home and die quietly, peacefully, where no one notices.” (op.cit)

To make absolutely certain that their agenda is followed, Schwab, Gates, and the WEF is working hand in glove with the UN’s WHO, the international health agency funded primarily by Gates to ensure impartiality. To guarantee that there are no more “accidental pandemics,” the WHO is demanding that the US and 193 other member nations surrender their national sovereignty to them – in other words to Gates, Schwab, and the other globalist elites. What could possibly go wrong here???

“In less than a month, the World Health Organization (WHO) will vote on whether or not to strip the United States and hundreds of other countries of their national sovereignty. In alignment with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Great Reset” agenda, the United Nations arm wants to enact a global “pandemic treaty” that would eliminate bodily autonomy and the right to make one’s own medical decisions.”

“The U.S. Constitution stands in the way of this agenda, as do the constitutions of many other countries. Because of this, the WHO World Health Assembly is convening on May 22 to vote on abolishing all nation-states and merging them into a global governance structure in which the WHO makes everyone’s medical decisions. From May 22 through May 28, WHO officials will discuss the matter further. Minimal pushback is expected since all eyes have been forcefully shifted away from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and towards the war in Ukraine.”

That’s right, while you were busy focusing on Ukraine and obsessing over Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard, the WEF and WHO have been busy stealing your national sovereignty, something the feckless idiots and globalist ideologues in the Biden administration will fall all over themselves to endorse. I can’t remember one single issue that the UN or any of its agencies has been involved in that hasn’t had disastrous ramifications.

“As is usually the case with Marxist agendas, the WHO’s pandemic treaty treats all countries and all people groups exactly the same. It aims to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to public health, and of course, taxpayers will be forced to foot the bill for whatever the WHO decides is necessary to address a “

“Everyone will be on the same page and science will cater to GLOBAL political whims,” reported “It will cost millions of dollars or more and money will be laundered by them and their pickpockets. The WHO appears to want to push the treaty through quickly without public participation and input.”

“If they are approved (as submitted by the United States) by a simple majority of the 194 member countries of the World Health Assembly countries, these amendments would enter into force as international law just six months later (November 2022),” warned about how soon this could all transpire.”

I want to end with this 15 minute video by comedian JP Sears that showcases the wanton degeneracy of Schwab and the WEF – it’s more terrifying than funny; terrifying because it doesn’t seem that anyone is willing to stand up to them. The part about transhumanism and hacking the human body is particularly unsettling.

The globalists at the WEF, an organization that contains elites from business, politics, Hollywood, etc. not only want you to surrender your national sovereignty but your bodily sovereignty as well. If people don’t start standing up, in all likelihood they’ll achieve their goal by their target date of 2030.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Excellent post, matey.

If people don’t start standing up, in all likelihood they’ll achieve their goal by their target date of 2030.

I think it's already happening - and on far larger scale than we are led to believe.( (we're allowed to see).

The cultural zeitgeist in changing - and with gathering momentum.
The harder they press, the closer they are to collapse.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks. I really hope you're right.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well,.. i can't go for that , .. no can't do .

Worse case it will end in a Waco stand off for me ,..
Still , sign's in the world are rising up against this , and it might collapse in to nothing . One thing for sure , it will not pass without leaving destruction on many levels in society . In the end it could mean a whole new way of producing trading and living in a good way , without any government , free as we where meant to be .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm with you partner, Locked, Cocked, and Ready to Rock!!!