The biggest conspiracy and the facts behind it.

in greatergood •  3 years ago  (edited)

Just got done watching this new film by my friends spacebusters and it's a doozey. If you've been having trouble finding who is behind this, and why, you will not be disappointed.
If I hear 'for the greater good' one more time in 2022 I'll scream. Who's greater good is this all for? Not mine.
What are 'philanthropists' really doing? Are they working for 'the greater good' or for themselves and their pockets?
I have always pointed out they are using the same tactics as they did for the Spanish Flu about 100 years ago to the day and this film gives us the proof of that, it names names and shows you the bloodline connections too. It's all here.

Image for illustration only, links below
Can someone tell me why only some video channels will embed on Blurt. We need the new channels to work on here not the old censored channels. I do not use YT at all.

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Are they working for 'the greater good' or for themselves and their pockets?

The henchmen/women who are the face of rule over us might be doing it for money, but those who plan all of this and give them orders do not. They have no need of a product they create from thin air. To them money is little more than an agreement with the masses on where power is, an agreement their made from nothing money is a conduit to power and realizing ones dreams.

Quite an effective tool they control, but they have no need of more at the top as they know it's an illusion, they control its creation.

Yup so true, it's all about keeping themselves at the top of that pyramid, it's their minions directly below who crave the money and power it brings them.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Shared this with as many as i could think of today. Thank you for the share. Keep up the good work.

Thanx Yayo (can I call u that?) even tho I didn't contribute much to this one ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

in spanish yayo means grandpa in modern terms. yaya is grandma.

I was called yayo since birth. I'm ancient.

can call me that if you like. call me my love too. no harm no foul. :P

I liked the sound of yayo and now I know why. Ok Yayo my love hahaha

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

:) <3

Thanks, watching now...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks I will watch soon.

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