Writing Group

in gratitudejournal •  2 years ago 


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I once read a book called From Dream to Habits by Hasanudin Abdurakhman. The book that I still remember even though the book is no longer there. He explained how to achieve the goal.

Reaching your goals is something that can be done. But this requires our readiness. Are we really ready to be in the position we dream of?
Because often the opportunity comes, but we are completely unprepared. For example, do you want to be a programmer? Aren't there lots of vacancies to become a programmer? Even blockchain provides space for everyone to become a programmer?

Likewise with other positions that people usually dream of. Is that a good doctor? Teacher? Pilot? Astronaut? influencers? Youtubers? Up to Entrepreneurs. Opportunities are always wide open for everyone. But many are not ready.

The book explains that we have to get ready first. So that our goals can be achieved. The easiest way is by making the things needed to achieve your goals become a habit.

From there I thought about how to achieve my dream of becoming a novelist. Then I found it a while ago.

Writing Friends


Private document; Some people couldn't come

I'm looking for a writing friend. Yes, indeed, these are just ordinary friends. However, I really need writing friends to keep my passion for writing alive. So that someone reminds me if I'm bored writing.

In fact, it just happened spontaneously. At that time I asked my friends on Instagram: challenge to write a novel!

Ha ha. Then several people pressed my poll in agreement. Then I asked them to follow up. Of course, I explained what my goal was there.
Then gathered several people who have the desire to become novel writers. We even met in person. Then finally form a communication group on WhatsApp.

It's Been Five Days


Private document

I was so excited when we finally got to writing. Yes! We've started a few days ago. After having some discussions.

My friend Anam, started it with me. He said that he wanted to be a novelist too. Then start with a daily target of writing. Not too much.

He started by writing 50 words per day. Whereas I prefer to write 21 minutes of focus per day.

I'm so happy we can finally start this process of writing habits. Really. It's as if my dream of becoming a writer has come true just by writing 21 minutes per day.

We Will Write a Novel


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Yes. We will write a novel together. We will help each other, remind each other, and also encourage each other to keep writing.

One of us has even published his novel. Its name is Mount Mahendra. I have reviewed the novel and published it in conventional mass media. Printed and read by many people!

Gunung joined our group because he also wanted to have a writing group. A group of people who can encourage him to write and continue to create.

While some other friends are still beginners in writing. I've never written before and want to be able to write novels.

I'm Grateful For This


Private document

Today I am grateful for starting a writing habit. I'm already on the right track to becoming a novelist. I even have friends who also write novels.

I am grateful to have met all of them. We will carry out writing activities. Even I am also grateful for not only writing, we will evaluate every week!

You must know, a goal will be difficult to achieve if there is no evaluation. Because often we make the same mistakes every time.

By conducting weekly evaluations, we hope to achieve our goal: to publish novels for online platforms!

I am very happy. Even I wrote this article with a smile. Ha ha. I smile alone in the middle of the night. I really enjoy my activity.

How about you? How are you today? I hope you are healthy and cheerful today, Blurt friends. The best prayer for you. Also, thanks for reading.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good luck with your new project!
I write a fiction novel (comedy, adventure, drama) when I was younger. It was shared with a friend of mine and we worked on it together every week for almost 2 years. We almost had it published but then got sidetracked. I still have it, but the friend and I are no longer on good terms, so it will never be published.
Stay well :)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm glad you share your experience. this is valuable information for me. moreover you, and I, both write novels.

But for me, this is not one novel done together. But each person wrote his own novel. The group is used as a space to encourage each other. So that we give each other criticism and suggestions, to solutions.

Glad to see you're in the comments. Stay healthy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's great, you will soon have your own full novel! It will be a large accomplishment. Good luck.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I hope so.
Thank you so much.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you, your post has been upvoted by @blurttribe.

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