你必須去中國傳福音 > 基督 / YOU MUST GO TO CHINA TO PREACH THE GOSPEL of God > Christ

in god •  3 years ago 

約翰福音 3:16
雷納-瓦萊拉 1960
16 神愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的,不至滅亡,反得永生。
中國人自 1919 年起就有一個譯本,稱為“中文合和本”(UCV),該譯本也在 2010 年修訂,由香港聖經公會(聯合聖經公會的一部分)出版。但在我們協會的判斷下,我們相信可以做出更忠實於原作的翻譯。雖然漢語-普通話的方言是用符號(象形圖)書寫的,但我們相信也可能有一種形式對等的翻譯方式,更符合聖經的原文。

The Chinese people had since 1919 a translation called the “Chinese Union Version” (UCV), which was also revised in 2010 and published by the Hong Kong Bible Society (part of the United Bible Societies). But at the discretion of our Society, we believe that a translation more faithful to the originals can be made. Although the Chinese-Mandarin dialect is written in symbols (pictograms), we believe that there may also be a way to translate by formal equivalence that better adheres to the original languages ​​of the Bible.

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