Value in terms of currency and blockchain as a social construct

in gnosis •  3 years ago  (edited)

First off...

A tune.

Valorate by Little Supa'
Spanish classical HipHop

Watch and download the above vid free from spying eyes on



Pretty much anyone with emotional intelligence can determine what/when something/someone is a value to them.

There is sentimental value, general value and probably a bunch more types of value and this depends on the "eye of the beholder" factor. The general value can depend also on how a society brought up within that decade. As these things do change, one thing remains unchanged among all the other stuff considered valuable and that is wisdom.

I am a strong believer that everyone has something extremely valuable to give in terms of wisdom. It takes someone or a group of individuals that have leaned on the path of wisdom to see and help bring out the best out of others. It is no wonder why such secret societies that regard wisdom as the highest quality of man have risen to such hights despite the major criticism.

Freemasonry, Rosi-crucianism, gnostics, Brotherhood of the snake, Templars, and much more, have all held their mystical schools to teach their initiats the importance of that gold that is derived from base metals through correct practice of alchemy. It is through correct transmutation of the sexual energy that people get to understand their suffering and thus gain insight, enlightenment, and rediscover gnosis (knowledge).

This knowledge is thus then given out to the public in hidden codings, parables and phrases so that its true value and hidden meaning is not currupted by the perverse cult you are entertaining. otherwise known as cult|u|r|e culture and society "norms" to dissuade others from attaining enlightenment due to ignorance and bigotry.

Religious institutions may have gnostic teaching embedded in their sacred texts, but the norm here is that they are often misinterpreted because many take it too literally.

The other day I posted a video on sex and the alchemical romance of man and nature with God and the way to ascend through the white schooling practice found in white tantra. I must forwarn thee. If any people try to convince you that sexual physical orgasm is ok and promote this, they are not practicing from the white school prospective, but from the black schooling. They are the ones you should steer away from for advice on such matters.

Their advice is based on fundamental lies and it is most likely they are unaware of it too.

image source

The medusa must be decapitated it has been said over many centuries. But why is that? What is the medusa to man relationship?

From the same source as the image of Perseus the son of Zues holding the decapitated head of Medusa we read

Medusa was one of three sisters, called the gorgons, monstrous beings with snakes covering their heads, turning whoever looked directly at them into stone. Medusa was once a beautiful maiden and a chaste priestess of Athena. But she was pursued by the god Neptune-Poseidon and renounced her vows of chastity to be with him. Her punishment from the gods was to be turned into a gorgon...

Those snakes covering over the head is a representation of her sex energy dominating her mind. Each snake on her head is now a manifestation of mental illnesses such as anxiety, schizophrenia, etc, etc etc. Almost every mental illness has alot to do with sex dominating the mind from bad habits formed from childhood experiences. We must take care to remember that we are all victim of events and thus forms our clay brains into what we are now. I cant stress that point enough it seems.

At every turn we take we see sex advertised in every aspect of our lives. In all the commercials, tv programs, movies, video games, the radio, posters, and especially the music industry as it seems to be the most popular method next to mindless television to control the masses through sex magic, and even in the art made by these black magic practicing magicians we can find clear examples of what I am referring to.

People, magic is real.

The entire plandemic caused by these evil master magicians is a clear cut example of black sex magic control. They did not call it Corona viruz without a real reason, and this is not just a place on your head whhere devine energy enters in which if intercepted by evil forces, dire consequences ensues.


"corona" "16"

source of image above and quote below

Corona Borealis is the Crowned Head of Serpens Caput thus Coronavirus is the Crowned Serpent. The Solar Corona formed around the Sun on Dec 26, 2019 called St Stephen’s (Stephen the first Christian Martyr means Crown or Martyr) Day or Boxing Day (Boxes are Cubes of Saturn placed under the Tree on Saturnalia or worn as Phylacteries on foreheads of Chaldean fake Jews) or Day of the Wren (King of the Birds). Coronis “Crown” was placed in the sky as Corvus the Crow representing Death

It is no coincidence that this astronomical event was happening at the same time the corona plandemic was taken place.

Everything points to an an intentional, premeditated catastrophic system failure of psychological sabotage of the masses, in the like that no human history has ever seen in this proportion.

The reason this matter has connections to astronomical events is simple to understand. The powers that aught not to be are dark Masters of the black arts and they DO practice rituals to benifit from the energies dispelled in fear by the masses.

I don't care if you believe it or not, or whether "they" believe it or not, It IS what they DO and they do it in the open for all to see. The best place for evil to hide is right under our noses. And you can not smell the stench trifling through your nostrils? Or has the chemicals that you have been breathing in finaly taken effect? Or maybe you are just too comfortable with your fake reality?

We are not going to be giving you more comfort as you blindly fallout from the devine path you were meant to follow (whatever that may be to you).

We need to find common ground amongst ourselves in this world, because as it is, we are all in a turmoil under their tyrannical reign.

Ideas and solutions to the issues at hand are easy. It requires a moderate understanding of this world first before you begin to understand heavenly things.

Understand, you are living in a matrix. And you need to find the way out.

So what does this all have to do with the title of this post?

Using BLURT and its blockchain as an example, I have laid out above small miniature, scratching the surface details of what I consider valuable information to be help fill out this next block on the chain.

It is up to the community to decide what value a thing has. And this will reflect down the chain as time progresses whether it was useful or not.

The currency is nothing but an expression of the information gathered and constructed within any given block.

But lets let the professionals who hhave studied it for years since the dawn of the blockchain to explain the details.

Here I found a great instructor, a master of the blcockchain technology to illustrate the differences between that expression and the thing that is expressed from.

The video is over an hour long but worth a watch even for beginners and advanced users alike. Thus can give you more of an insight to what we are doing here and how we should behave if we are to make some serious profit here as a grand community.

The Best explanation of bitcoin technology


I try to keep this short and as simple as possible because from my observations, too much information can dissuade many people. So, from the help of many freedom fighters and truth seeker users here on blurt, hive, steemit, etc, we can form a great collection later on of all relative information depending on the topics. It is a matter of time and the will of one person to just gather it all up, even if it is with the aid of a powerful search engine uncontrolled by "big tech" and "them".

If you enjoyed todays publication hit that vote button and slide it the percentage that you believe this post deserves. Another words, vote responsibly. Not voting, not commenting, not resharing IS putting value placement.

Till next time


@yayogerardo signing off

PS: Criticism is always welcomed here. Be humble though eh?


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Vote for your "witnesses" to keep us afloat. Its important you know what a witness is and no its not jahovas witness thay you are voting for. Also a witness is just another human being working as a witness and a witness is a person running helping produce blocks for the blockchain.

It keep us afloat

Vote for the blurt witness here

My votes:

Last updated: Sunday, 5, December 2021

Removed Yehey And added busbecq, eastmeal, travelamateure, megadrive

Reason for removal: Yehey has turned against blurt and is baiting people via for his selfish perversions.

Please use as the only official front end. (for now anyways)


This list is subject to change without notice as I see fit. If you feel lazy about it... Then keep reading.

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  2. Proxy vote (the lazy man's way out of duty)

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I really enjoy your esoteric posts. I know nothing about witnesses so have never voted. I'd be glad to make you my proxy. The witness link seems to be broken tho.....

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

at your own risk lol. I am very controversial person. and my views of this world is always under critic.

well so am I so that's even better

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

So was a fictional character and trouble ensued thereafter killing relentlessly in the name of

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

please give me your telegram user name. I need to talk to you

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

im on discord.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What is your discord user name.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I cant believe i read it all plus all the comments ..what a subject .
A subject with many branches and layers , a complex subject .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for stoping by. :)

it can be that way sometimes but that shouldnt be the reason why not to opine or provide additional info.

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord