in globalist •  2 years ago  (edited)

As part of the globalist agenda to make the sheeple believe that farting cows are causing extreme weather, those very same globalist scum have been spraying the living crap out of the skies in addition to turning up whatever devious devices they have right up to 10 and letting us have a full dose.

It is the middle of summer in New Zealand, but after a few weeks with no spraying over Xmas, the weather modification was cranked up to new highs.

A few days ago the skies over Auckland (NZ's largest city) looked like this:



And then it really started pissing down!




The weather was pretty shit in Wellington too yesterday but we are more used to it here...


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Flood everywhere

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Crazy "clouds"

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"A few days ago the skies over Auckland (NZ's largest city) looked like this:"

They really want an increase in dementia and alzheimer cases.

A few months ago here, it was raining strings of aluminum. And no rain when the weather signs showed rain was coming. They stopped that with by spraying this garbage into the air.

Just over the mountains on the east side, they were dropping some sort of small bombs that effected the weather. They did at the same time there was fireworjs going about in masses and always at night. I know it effects the weather from my repeated observations. It started to rain after they did it but only in the parts where there is agricultural land. Who knows what more poisoning was added to the soil as a result.

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