Fighting The Want To Give Up

in giveup •  4 months ago  (edited)


You could reach a moment in life where you think things should have turned out better than they do. Alternatively, you can feel that you're not making the necessary progress and want to give up. You should be aware that giving up won't make the issue go away; on the contrary, it will make it worse. It is important to remember that while what you need might not materialize right away, if you give up along the way, it will never occur at all. For this reason, you must have the willpower to persevere through to the very end and achieve your goals without giving up.

Resigning should never be an option if you have not reached your destination, regardless of how far you have come or what you have witnessed. In the event that an athlete pulls out of a running competition with only a few moments remaining, all of the distance they covered will be lost. In life, giving up should also be resisted as doing so could render all previous attempts meaningless. If you tried and didn't receive the desired outcome, you should try again using the knowledge you gained from the previous attempt.

A few moments before a breakthrough, most people experience their strongest desire to give up. Make determination your ally if you're going to be successful. Many successful people did not have an easy existence; rather, they had difficult periods that would have disheartened others. Such people are the exception. The fact that the victorious people never gave up sets them apart from losers. If you don't give up, you can succeed even after experiencing prolonged failure in the past.

When discussing people who persevered in the face of overwhelming adversity, I would often bring up Thomas Edison. He attempted over and over for a very long time, as you can guess, in order to make his scientific discovery, but he never gave up. Eventually the debris from his botched attempts piled up and almost reached the roof of the home, but he persisted. He realized that he cannot give up until he accomplishes his objective. He kept trying, and eventually he succeeded.

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