Accepting Developer1's Version

in github •  26 days ago 

Accepting Developer1's Version
To exclusively retain the modifications made by Developer1 and discard any local changes, the following Git commands can be employed:


git checkout --theirs .
git add .
git commit -m "Accepted Developer1's version"
The git checkout --theirs . command overwrites all files in the working directory with the versions present in the branch being merged (Developer1's branch). Subsequently, git add . stages these changes for commit, and git commit -m "Accepted Developer1's version" creates a new commit with a descriptive message.

Discarding Developer1's Changes
Conversely, to preserve the local version of files and disregard any changes introduced by Developer1, the following Git commands can be utilized:


git checkout --ours .
git add .
git commit -m "Kept owner's version"
The git checkout --ours . command restores all files in the working directory to their state before the merge attempt (the local version). The subsequent git add . and git commit -m "Kept owner's version" commands stage these changes and create a commit, respectively.

Understanding the Implications
It's crucial to understand the implications of using --theirs or --ours. These commands completely overwrite files, so any local changes you've made will be lost if you choose --theirs, and any changes Developer1 made will be lost if you choose --ours. Always double-check your working directory status (git status) before using these commands to avoid unintended data loss. If you're unsure, it's often better to resolve merge conflicts manually to have more control over the final result.

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